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Compliant Grasping Control for a Tactile Self-Sensing Soft Gripper.
Soft Robotics ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-28 , DOI: 10.1089/soro.2022.0221
Hui Yang 1, 2 , Jiaqi Liu 2 , Wenbo Liu 2 , Weirui Liu 3 , Zilong Deng 3 , Yunzhi Ling 1 , Changan Wang 1 , Meixia Wu 1 , Lihui Wang 1 , Li Wen 2

Soft grippers with good passive compliance can effectively adapt to the shape of a target object and have better safe grasping performance than rigid grippers. However, for soft or fragile objects, passive compliance is insufficient to prevent grippers from crushing the target. Thus, to complete nondestructive grasping tasks, precision force sensing and control are immensely important for soft grippers. In this article, we proposed an online learning self-tuning nonlinearity impedance controller for a tactile self-sensing two-finger soft gripper so that its grasping force can be controlled accurately. For the soft gripper, its grasping force is sensed by a liquid lens-based optical tactile sensing unit that contains a self-sensing fingertip and a liquid lens module and has many advantages of a rapid response time (about 0.04 s), stable output, good sensitivity (>0.4985 V/N), resolution (0.03 N), linearity (R2 > 0.96), and low cost (power consumption: 5 mW, preparation cost



具有良好被动柔顺性的软质机械手能够有效适应目标物体的形状,并且比刚性机械手具有更好的安全抓取性能。然而,对于柔软或易碎的物体,被动顺应性不足以防止夹具压碎目标。因此,为了完成无损抓取任务,精确的力传感和控制对于软夹具来说非常重要。在本文中,我们提出了一种用于触觉自感知二指软抓手的在线学习自调节非线性阻抗控制器,使其抓取力能够精确控制。对于软抓手,其抓取力是通过基于液体透镜的光学触觉传感单元来感应的,该单元包含自感应指尖和液体透镜模块,具有响应时间快(约0.04秒)、输出稳定、良好的灵敏度(>0.4985 V/N)、分辨率(0.03 N)、线性度(R2 > 0.96)和低成本(功耗:5 mW,制备成本