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Retraction of Hill et al. (2015).
Journal of Counseling Psychology ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-01 , DOI: 10.1037/cou0000701

Reports the retraction of "Is training effective? A study of counseling psychology doctoral trainees in a psychodynamic/interpersonal training clinic" by Clara E. Hill, Ellen Baumann, Naama Shafran, Shudarshana Gupta, Ashley Morrison, Andrés E. Pérez Rojas, Patricia T. Spangler, Shauna Griffin, Laura Pappa and Charles J. Gelso (Journal of Counseling Psychology, 2015[Apr], Vol 62[2], 184-201). The following article is being retracted (https://doi.org/10.1037/cou0000053). This retraction is at the request of coauthors Hill and Gelso after the results of an investigation by the University of Maryland Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB found that the study included data from between one and four therapy clients of the Maryland Psychotherapy Clinic and Research Laboratory (MPCRL) who either had not been asked to provide consent or had withdrawn consent for their data to be included in the research. Baumann, Shafran, Gupta, Morrison, Rojas, Spangler, Griffin and Pappa were not responsible for obtaining and verifying participant consent but agreed to the retraction of this article (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2015-02322-001.) We investigated changes over 12 to 42 months in 23 predoctoral trainees during their externship training in a psychodynamic/interpersonal psychotherapy clinic. Over time, trainees increased in client-rated working alliance and real relationship, therapist-rated working alliance, client-rated interpersonal functioning, ability to use helping skills (e.g., challenges, immediacy), higher-order functioning (e.g., conceptualization ability, countertransference management), feelings about themselves as therapists (e.g., more authentic, more self-aware), and understanding about being a therapist (e.g., theoretical orientation, curiosity about client dynamics). In contrast, trainees did not change in engaging clients (return after intake or for at least 8 sessions), judge-rated psychodynamic techniques in third and ninth sessions across clients (although trainees used more cognitive-behavioral techniques over time in third but not ninth sessions), or changes in client-rated symptomatology. Trainees primarily attributed changes to graduate training, individual and group supervision, research participation, and working with clients. Implications for training and research are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).


希尔等人的撤回。 (2015)。

报告撤回“培训有效吗?心理动力学/人际培训诊所咨询心理学博士生的研究”,作者:Clara E. Hill、Ellen Baumann、Naama Shafran、Shudarshana Gupta、Ashley Morrison、Andrés E. Pérez Rojas、Patricia T . Spangler、Shauna Griffin、Laura Pappa 和 Charles J. Gelso(咨询心理学杂志,2015 年 [4 月],第 62 卷[2],184-201)。以下文章已被撤回 (https://doi.org/10.1037/cou0000053)。此次撤回是应合著者 Hill 和 Gelso 在马里兰大学机构审查委员会 (IRB) 调查结果出来后的要求。 IRB 发现,该研究包含来自马里兰州心理治疗诊所和研究实验室 (MPCRL) 的一到四名治疗客户的数据,这些客户要么没有被要求提供同意,要么已经撤回了将其数据纳入研究的同意。 Baumann、Shafran、Gupta、Morrison、Rojas、Spangler、Griffin 和 Pappa 不负责获取和验证参与者的同意,但同意撤回本文(以下原文章摘要出现在记录 2015-02322-001 中。)我们调查了 23 名博士前学员在心理动力学/人际心理治疗诊所进行实习期间 12 至 42 个月内的变化。随着时间的推移,受训者在客户评价的工作联盟和真实关系、治疗师评价的工作联盟、客户评价的人际功能、使用帮助技能的能力(例如,挑战、即时性)、高阶功能(例如,概念化能力、反移情管理)、对自己作为治疗师的感受(例如,更真实、更有自我意识)以及对作为治疗师的理解(例如、理论导向、对客户动态的好奇心)。相比之下,受训者在吸引客户方面没有变化(在入学后返回或至少参加 8 次会议),法官在第三次和第九次会议中对客户的心理动力学技术进行评分(尽管随着时间的推移,受训者在第三次而不是第九次会议中使用了更多的认知行为技术)会话),或客户评价症状的变化。受训者主要将变化归因于研究生培训、个人和团体监督、研究参与以及与客户的合作。讨论了对培训和研究的影响。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2023 APA,保留所有权利)。