Chemosphere ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.140761 Muhammad Reza Cordova 1 , Yaya Ihya Ulumuddin 1 , Triyoni Purbonegoro 1 , Rachma Puspitasari 1 , Ricky Rositasari 1 , Deny Yogaswara 1 , Muhammad Taufik Kaisupy 1 , Singgih Prasetyo Adi Wibowo 1 , Riyana Subandi 1 , Sofia Yuniar Sani 1 , S Sulistiowati 2 , Intan Kusumastuti Nugraheni 2 , Lucky Rahman 2 , Rahmawati 2 , Safitri Al Rahmadhani 2 , Tyara Aprilani Khoirunnisa 2 , Nurhasanah 3 , Ahmad Muhtadi 4 , Swietenia Puspa Lestari 5 , Simon M Cragg 6
This is the first study to evaluate the presence and distribution of microplastics in sediments in the regions with a unique degree of complexity, such as wildlife reserve areas, a Ramsar site that connects directly to Greater Jakarta's mainland, recreational islands, and a marine national park. Microplastics of varying sizes and shapes are found in all places, with an increase trend in the abundance toward areas near to the epicenter of human activity. Comparatively to other marine protected areas, the amount of microplastics discovered is comparable; however, there is an upward trend. Season influences microplastic accumulation, with the dry season causing the greater accumulation. Small-sized microplastics and microplastics resulting from large plastic fragments were predominantly discovered. The properties of microplastics in the study region are dominated by polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, and nylon. Additional in-depth research and waste reduction from all sources that involve all stakeholders are required to reduce the amount of contaminants entering the protected area.