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The effect of wearing college apparel on Black men's perceived criminality and perceived risk of being racially profiled by police
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jesp.2023.104565
Gabriel Camacho

The current research examines whether a prejudice reduction strategy used by Black college students—signaling a college affiliation—mitigates the perceived risk that a Black man will be seen as a criminal and racially profiled by police. Across four studies, college students of color (study 1: N = 160; study 2: N = 203) and Black and White people (study 3A: N = 205; study 3B: N = 394) perceived a Black man who displayed a college logo on his hoodie as significantly less likely to be seen as a criminal than when he did not. This remained true when the college logo was from a university that was objectively high in prestige (Princeton University; studies 1–2), moderate in prestige (John Jay College; study 2), or had no preexisting prestige (the fictional Pennbrook University; studies 3A and 3B). While college apparel did not consistently reduce the perceived risk that police would racially profile a Black man, an exploratory moderation analysis found that perceiving racial profiling as stemming more from individual than systemic bias lessened this perceived risk for Black but not White participants (study 3B). College apparel also indirectly predicted a lower likelihood of racial profiling through its effect on perceived criminality across all studies. Together, these results suggest that college apparel is believed to mitigate negative stereotypes associated with Black men; however, the perceived likelihood that police will racially profile a Black man is influenced by both his perceived criminality and lay theories of police bias.



目前的研究探讨了黑人大学生使用的减少偏见策略(表明大学隶属关系)是否可以减轻黑人被视为罪犯并被警察进行种族定性的风险。在四项研究中,有色人种大学生(研究 1:N  = 160;研究 2:N  = 203)和黑人和白人(研究 3A:N  = 205;研究 3B:N  = 394)认为黑人表现出他的连帽衫上印有大学标志,与没有印上大学标志时相比,他被视为罪犯的可能性明显降低了。当学院徽标来自客观上声望很高(普林斯顿大学;研究 1-2)、声望中等(约翰杰伊学院;研究 2)或没有预先存在的声望的大学(虚构的潘布鲁克大学;研究 2)时,情况仍然如此。研究 3A 和 3B)。虽然大学服装并没有始终如一地降低警察对黑人进行种族定性的感知风险,但一项探索性适度分析发现,将种族定性更多地源于个人而非系统偏见,减少了黑人而非白人参与者的这种感知风险(研究 3B) 。大学服装还通过其对所有研究中感知犯罪行为的影响,间接预测了种族定性的可能性较低。总之,这些结果表明,大学服装被认为可以减轻与黑人相关的负面刻板印象;然而,警察对黑人进行种族定性的可能性受到其犯罪行为和警察偏见的非专业理论的影响。
