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A Surprising Journey Through a Changing Landscape
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-21 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-030822-044158
Angelo S. DeNisi 1

My research journey was completely unexpected. I never envisioned becoming a professor, or still working after more than 40 years. I discuss this journey in terms of how events unfolded without much planning, in hopes of encouraging others to accomplish more than they believe they can. Since I have had a long career, I also discuss some ways in which the field of management has changed and how these present challenges to our field in the future. It is my contention that the field benefits most from good scholars doing good work on topics that interest them, and not by scholars learning how to game the system or worrying too much about which journals “count.” I also discuss some differences I experience being associated with both the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) and the Academy of Management. I conclude on an optimistic note pointing out various efforts to address some of the challenges I outlined.



我的研究之旅完全出乎我的意料。我从未想过成为一名教授,或者四十多年后仍然在工作。我在没有太多计划的情况下从事件如何展开的角度来讨论这段旅程,希望鼓励其他人取得比他们相信自己能做的更多的成就。由于我的职业生涯很长,我还讨论了管理领域发生的一些变化,以及这些变化如何给我们的领域带来未来的挑战。我的观点是,该领域的最大受益者是优秀的学者在他们感兴趣的主题上所做的出色工作,而不是学者们学习如何玩弄系统或过多担心哪些期刊“有价值”。我还讨论了我在工业与组织心理学会 (SIOP) 和管理学院中经历的一些差异。最后,我乐观地指出了为解决我概述的一些挑战而做出的各种努力。