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Implications of Social Media for a Changing Work Landscape
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-21 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-110721-041023
Tara S. Behrend 1 , Daniel M. Ravid 2 , Stuti Thapa 3

More than half of the global population now uses social media. This technological ubiquity has transformed the way that individuals communicate and engage with the world around them, and consequently has had drastic effects on modern work. In the 20 years since early social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Myspace were first launched, much research on the consequences of social media has been conducted in the fields of organizational psychology and organizational behavior. In this article, we review this body of literature, highlighting the ways that social media has changed modern work, both in changing organizational behavior and human resource management and in changing the nature of work itself. We detail ethical, legal, and practical challenges that have arisen in this changing landscape and conclude with recommendations for additional research on this topic.



全球一半以上的人口现在使用社交媒体。这种技术的普及改变了个人与周围世界沟通和互动的方式,从而对现代工作产生了巨大影响。自 LinkedIn 和 Myspace 等早期社交媒体平台首次推出以来的 20 年来,组织心理学和组织行为领域对社交媒体的后果进行了大量研究。在本文中,我们回顾了这些文献,重点介绍了社交媒体改变现代工作的方式,无论是在改变组织行为和人力资源管理方面,还是在改变工作本身的性质方面。我们详细介绍了在这种不断变化的环境中出现的道德、法律和实际挑战,并提出了关于该主题的进一步研究的建议。