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High-tech development for “left behind” places: lessons-learnt from the Ruhr cybersecurity ecosystem
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-20 , DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsad041
Anna Butzin 1 , Franz Flögel 1

Unlike development strategies for prosperous regions and their prioritisation of high-tech sectors, alternative strategies for left behind places are suggested that shift to foundational economies, community-based social innovation and well-being. While we support this emphasis, we see a tendency to neglect the role of change agents engaged with research and teaching in high-tech domains for initiating new regional growth paths. This study shows how initial funding has promoted change agents and the emergence of today’s cybersecurity ecosystem in the old industrial region of the Ruhr. The ecosystem generates fast-growing high-tech start-ups and contributes to positive regional identification. Our paper suggests combining alternative development strategies and the support of change agency from high-tech domains to develop left behind places.


