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Does linguistic diversity make destinations more sophisticated? Exploring the effects on destination personality
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2023.100828
Hanyu(Yuki) Chen , Lili Wang , Xuan Zhang , Wei Wei , Jiaying Lyu

Today's destinations are gradually moving toward linguistic diversity to help tourists obtain a better experience. Accordingly, using diverse languages is developing as a noteworthy destination marketing and management measure. Applying destination personality theory, this research examines the impact of linguistic diversity on destination personality, as well as tourists' attitudes and behavior across five studies. With different populations, Studies 1, 2, and 3 found that linguistic diversity enhances sophisticated destination personality, tourists' attitudes and visit intentions, exploring the role of the number of languages and language disparity in constructing linguistic diversity while ruling out the alternative explanation of other destination personalities. Study 4 and Study 5 revealed the moderating roles of destination type and travel goal. This research contributes to theory and practice in language and destination personality and enriches the growing literature on tourists' attitudes toward destination marketing and management.



如今的目的地正在逐渐走向语言多元化,以帮助游客获得更好的体验。因此,使用多种语言正在成为一种值得注意的目的地营销和管理措施。本研究应用目的地个性理论,通过五项研究探讨了语言多样性对目的地个性以及游客态度和行为的影响。针对不同人群,研究1、2和3发现,语言多样性增强了复杂的目的地个性、游客的态度和访问意图,探讨了语言数量和语言差异在构建语言多样性中的作用,同时排除了其他解释目的地个性。研究 4 和研究 5 揭示了目的地类型和旅行目标的调节作用。这项研究有助于语言和目的地个性的理论和实践,并丰富了有关游客对目的地营销和管理态度的文献。