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Continuous Cover Forestry and Remote Sensing: A Review of Knowledge Gaps, Challenges, and Potential Directions
Current Forestry Reports ( IF 9.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s40725-023-00206-0
Jaz Stoddart , Juan Suarez , William Mason , Ruben Valbuena

Purpose of Review

Continuous cover forestry (CCF) is a sustainable management approach for forestry in which forest stands are manipulated to create irregular stand structures with varied species composition. This approach differs greatly from the traditional approaches of plantation-based forestry, in which uniform monocultures are maintained, and thus, traditional methods of assessment, such as productivity (yield class) calculations, are less applicable. This creates a need to identify new methods to succeed the old and be of use in operational forestry and research. By applying remote sensing techniques to CCF, it may be possible to identify novel solutions to the challenges introduced through the adoption of CCF.

Recent Findings

There has been a limited amount of work published on the applications of remote sensing to CCF in the last decade. Research can primarily be characterised as explorations of different methods to quantify the target state of CCF and monitor indices of stand structural complexity during transformation to CCF, using terrestrial and aerial data collection techniques.


We identify a range of challenges associated with CCF and outline the outstanding gaps within the current body of research in need of further investigation, including a need for the development of new inventory methods using remote sensing techniques. We identify methods, such as individual tree models, that could be applied to CCF from other complex, heterogenous forest systems and propose the wider adoption of remote sensing including information for interested parties to get started.




连续覆盖林业(CCF)是一种可持续的林业管理方法,通过操纵林分来创建具有不同物种组成的不规则林分结构。这种方法与传统的人工林方法有很大不同,传统的人工林方法保持统一的单一栽培,因此传统的评估方法,例如生产力(产量等级)计算,不太适用。这就需要确定新方法来继承旧方法并用于林业和研究的操作。通过将遥感技术应用于 CCF,有可能找到针对采用 CCF 带来的挑战的新颖解决方案。


过去十年中,关于遥感在 CCF 中的应用发表的工作数量有限。研究主要可描述为利用地面和航空数据收集技术探索不同方法来量化 CCF 目标状态并监测向 CCF 转换期间的林分结构复杂性指数。


我们确定了与 CCF 相关的一系列挑战,并概述了当前研究机构中需要进一步调查的突出差距,包括需要使用遥感技术开发新的清单方法。我们确定了可应用于其他复杂、异质森林系统的 CCF 的方法,例如单棵树模型,并建议更广泛地采用遥感,包括供感兴趣的各方入门的信息。
