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Additive manufacturing in the new space economy: Current achievements and future perspectives
Progress in Aerospace Sciences ( IF 11.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2023.100959
T. Ghidini , M. Grasso , J. Gumpinger , A. Makaya , B.M. Colosimo

In recent years, the realm of space exploration has undergone a transformative shift, marked by the emergence of a thriving new space economy. This evolution has not only redefined existing space infrastructures and services but has also democratized access to space, accelerating exploration endeavors. At the core of such evolution is additive manufacturing (AM), a groundbreaking technology that has fundamentally altered the landscape of designing and producing launchers and space systems. AM not only enhances the efficiency of existing space missions but also unlocks novel avenues for space exploration and the establishment of sustainable human settlements beyond Earth. This paper provides a comprehensive and current exploration of the industrial catalysts driving AM adoption across key space domains. It delves into existing applications and uncharted frontiers, exploring innovative advancements while spotlighting industry gaps and obstacles. Motivated by the maturation of AM technologies, the proven track record of additively manufactured components in space missions, and the surge in research and investments aligning with major space market trends, this paper aims to provide aerospace and manufacturing communities with a panoramic view of present and future opportunities for AM within the rapidly expanding new space economy. Additionally, it sheds light on the profound impact and momentum gathering in this field, all the while examining the significant challenges that demand concerted attention.



近年来,太空探索领域发生了变革,新太空经济蓬勃发展。这种演变不仅重新定义了现有的太空基础设施和服务,而且使太空访问民主化,加速了探索工作。这种演变的核心是增材制造 (AM),这是一项突破性技术,从根本上改变了发射器和太空系统的设计和生产格局。增材制造不仅提高了现有太空任务的效率,还为太空探索和在地球以外建立可持续人类住区开辟了新途径。本文对推动增材制造在关键空间领域采用的工业催化剂进行了全面且最新的探索。它深入研究现有应用和未知领域,探索创新进步,同时强调行业差距和障碍。在增材制造技术的成熟、增材制造组件在太空任务中的良好记录以及与主要太空市场趋势相一致的研究和投资激增的推动下,本文旨在为航空航天和制造界提供当前和未来的全景图。快速扩张的新太空经济中增材制造的未来机遇。此外,它揭示了该领域的深远影响和势头,同时审视需要共同关注的重大挑战。
