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Recent advances in age-related meibomian gland dysfunction (ARMGD)
The Ocular Surface ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtos.2023.11.003
Isabel Moreno 1 , Sudhir Verma 2 , Tarsis Ferreira Gesteira 1 , Vivien J Coulson-Thomas 1

Meibomian glands (MGs), located within the tarsal plate of the eyelid, secrete meibum which is the lipid-rich secretion necessary for stabilizing the tear film and preventing tear evaporation. Changes in the quality and quantity of meibum produced causes MG dysfunction (MGD), the leading cause of evaporative dry eye disease (EDED). MGD is an underdiagnosed disease and it is estimated that, in the US, approximately 70 % of the population over 60 have MGD. Three forms of MGD occur based on their meibum secretion: hyposecretory, obstructive, and hypersecretory MGD. The pathophysiology of MGD remains poorly understood, however aging is the primary risk factor. With age, MGs undergo various age-related changes, including decreased acinar basal cell proliferation, hyperkeratinization, MG atrophy, and eventual MG drop-out, leading to age-related MGD (ARMGD). Additionally, studies have suggested that MGs can suffer inflammatory cell infiltration and changes innervation patterns with aging, which could also contribute towards ARMGD. This review focuses on how the aging process affects the MG, and more importantly, how age-related changes to the MG can lead to MG atrophy and MG drop-out, ultimately leading to ARMGD. This review also highlights the most recent developments in potential therapeutic interventions for ARMGD.



睑板腺(MG) 位于眼睑睑板内,分泌睑脂,睑脂是稳定泪膜和防止泪液蒸发所必需的富含脂质的分泌物。睑脂产生的质量和数量的变化会导致 MG 功能障碍(MGD),这是蒸发性干眼病 (EDED) 的主要原因。MGD 是一种诊断不足的疾病,据估计,在美国,60 岁以上人口中约 70% 患有 MGD。根据睑脂分泌情况,MGD 可分为三种形式:分泌不足、阻塞性和分泌过多的 MGD。MGD 的病理生理学仍然知之甚少,但衰老是主要危险因素。随着年龄的增长,MG 会经历各种与年龄相关的变化,包括腺泡基底细胞增殖减少、角化过度、MG 萎缩以及最终 MG 脱落,从而导致年龄相关性 MGD(ARMGD)。此外,研究表明,随着年龄的增长,MG 可能会遭受炎症细胞浸润并改变神经支配模式,这也可能有助于 ARMGD。本综述重点关注衰老过程如何影响 MG,更重要的是,与年龄相关的 MG 变化如何导致 MG 萎缩和 MG 脱落,最终导致 ARMGD。本综述还强调了 ARMGD 潜在治疗干预措施的最新进展。
