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Effects of AFQ056 on language learning in fragile X syndrome
The Journal of Clinical Investigation ( IF 13.3 ) Pub Date : 2023 , DOI: 10.1172/jci171723
Elizabeth Berry-Kravis 1 , Leonard Abbeduto 2 , Randi Hagerman 3 , Christopher S Coffey 4 , Merit Cudkowicz 5 , Craig A Erickson 6 , Andrea McDuffie 2 , David Hessl 2 , Lauren Ethridge 7 , Flora Tassone 8 , Walter E Kaufmann 9 , Katherine Friedmann 10 , Lauren Bullard 2 , Anne Hoffmann 11 , Jeremy Veenstra-VanderWeele 12 , Kevin Staley 5 , David Klements 5 , Michael Moshinsky 5 , Brittney Harkey 5 , Jeff Long 4 , Janel Fedler 4 , Elizabeth Klingner 4 , Dixie Ecklund 4 , Michele Costigan 4 , Trevis Huff 4 , Brenda Pearson 4 ,

BACKGROUND. FXLEARN, the first-ever large multisite trial of effects of disease-targeted pharmacotherapy on learning, was designed to explore a paradigm for measuring effects of mechanism-targeted treatment in fragile X syndrome (FXS). In FXLEARN, the effects of metabotropic glutamate receptor type 5 (mGluR5) negative allosteric modulator (NAM) AFQ056 on language learning were evaluated in 3- to 6-year-old children with FXS, expected to have more learning plasticity than adults, for whom prior trials of mGluR5 NAMs have failed.


AFQ056 对脆性 X 综合征语言学习的影响

背景。FXLEARN 是有史以来第一个针对疾病靶向药物治疗对学习影响的大型多中心试验,旨在探索测量脆性 X 综合征 (FXS) 机制靶向治疗效果的范例。在 FXLEARN 中,代谢型谷氨酸受体 5 型 (mGluR5) 负变构调节剂 (NAM) AFQ056 对 3 至 6 岁 FXS 儿童语言学习的影响进行了评估,预计这些儿童比成人具有更多的学习可塑性。 mGluR5 NAM 的先前试验失败了。