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YouTube Itak: a description of Ainu-related videos
Humanities & Social Sciences Communications Pub Date : 2023-11-16 , DOI: 10.1057/s41599-023-02336-z
Xanat Vargas Meza , R. Shizuko Hayashi-Simpliciano , Takumi Yokoyama , Chieko Nishimura , Ryohei Nishida , Yoichi Ochiai

The Ainu are an Indigenous group currently living primarily in Japan. Following the cultural revitalisation of laws and social movements and the appropriation of new technologies, Ainu communities are increasingly using social media to disseminate their culture. However, research on the Ainu people has rarely discussed their communication strategies in current media. In this study, a total of 428 Ainu-related videos uploaded on YouTube were analysed. Basic information about the videos was obtained through the YouTube application programming interface and additional information was acquired by watching them. The videos were categorised into three groups: those produced only by Ainu people, with Ainu people, or without Ainu collaborators. Statistical and qualitative differences between release and upload dates, keywords, categories, conceptualisers, producers, presenters, YouTube metrics, tags, and video descriptions were used to uncover the different types of content created and/or endorsed by Ainu people and the communication strategies used by them and their allies. The combination of quantitative and qualitative methods based on Indigenous communication approaches adopted in this study proved to be useful in understanding Indigenous media in online contexts.


YouTube Itak:阿伊努人相关视频的描述

阿伊努人是目前主要居住在日本的土著群体。随着法律和社会运动的文化复兴以及新技术的采用,阿伊努社区越来越多地使用社交媒体来传播他们的文化。然而,对阿伊努人的研究很少讨论他们在当前媒体中的传播策略。在这项研究中,总共分析了 YouTube 上上传的 428 个与阿伊努人相关的视频。有关视频的基本信息是通过 YouTube 应用程序编程接口获得的,附加信息是通过观看视频获得的。这些视频分为三组:仅由阿伊努人制作的视频、与阿伊努人合作的视频或没有阿伊努人合作者的视频。发布和上传日期、关键词、类别、概念化者、制作人、演示者、YouTube 指标、标签和视频描述之间的统计和定性差异被用来揭示阿伊努人创建和/或认可的不同类型的内容以及所使用的沟通策略由他们和他们的盟友。本研究采用的基于土著传播方法的定量和定性方法相结合,被证明有助于理解在线环境中的土著媒体。
