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Conceptualizing mentoring in higher education: A systematic literature review
Educational Research Review ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100565
Wendy Nuis , Mien Segers , Simon Beausaert

Mentoring has nowadays become a prevalent educational practice in higher education, as it allows for personalized learning trajectories and competence-based education. However, the effectiveness of mentoring programs is difficult to measure due to a lack of conceptual clarity about the mentoring concept and the broad variety of measurements used. Therefore, a systematic literature review was conducted to conceptualize mentoring by looking at the definitions, characteristics, and measurements. A total of 106 studies were reviewed and a summative content analysis was applied. The results of this study are three-fold. First, a synthesis and integration of existing definitions resulted in a newly developed, holistic definition of mentoring. Second, evidence-based characteristics of mentoring are discussed that give insights into how to design and implement mentoring programs. Third, an overview of existing mentoring measures is presented, and a subsequent in-depth analysis shows their alignment with the proposed conceptualization on mentoring.



如今,辅导已成为高等教育中普遍的教育实践,因为它可以实现个性化的学习轨迹和基于能力的教育。然而,由于指导概念缺乏概念清晰度以及所使用的测量方法种类繁多,指导计划的有效性很难衡量。因此,我们进行了系统的文献综述,通过研究定义、特征和测量来概念化指导。总共审查了 106 项研究,并进行了总结性内容分析。这项研究的结果有三个方面。首先,对现有定义的综合和整合产生了新的、全面的指导定义。其次,讨论了指导的基于证据的特征,为如何设计和实施指导计划提供了见解。第三,概述了现有的指导措施,随后的深入分析表明它们与拟议的指导概念是一致的。