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From beginner to over champion
ICGA Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-16 , DOI: 10.3233/icg-230235
Jaap van den Herik 1

In the game of chess the notion of beginner has three meanings. In this contribution they are used as a framework for the history of computer chess. The natural line of reasoning will then bring us to main question: Will the game of Chess (soon) be Solved? A positive answer will certainly be seen as a stepping stone for the next question: Can a computer play perfect chess? Of course, this question will have a natural follow-up in the form of an even more challenging question: Is perfect thinking by a computer possible? The audacious answer “yes” will lead to the world-wide prevailing question of all current AI scientists: Will our intelligence be replaced by AI? The article finds its way (not discussed by us) via machine learning and autonomous adaptation to deep learning and thereafter via Explainable AI and Interpretable AI to solving the Game of Chess. Cornerstones of this historical development will be given in the next three articles by Richard Pijl, Dap Hartmann and Jon Edwards.



在国际象棋游戏中,初学者的概念具有三个含义。在这篇文章中,它们被用作计算机国际象棋历史的框架。然后,自然的推理路线将把我们带到主要问题:国际象棋游戏(很快)会得到解决吗?肯定的答案肯定会被视为下一个问题的垫脚石:计算机能否下完美的国际象棋?当然,这个问题自然会产生一个更具挑战性的问题:计算机的完美思考是否可能?大胆的回答“是”将引出当前所有人工智能科学家在全球范围内普遍存在的问题:我们的智能会被人工智能取代吗?这篇文章通过机器学习和深度学习的自主适应找到了方法(我们没有讨论),然后通过可解释的人工智能和可解释的人工智能来解决国际象棋游戏。Richard Pijl、Dap Hartmann 和 Jon Edwards 将在接下来的三篇文章中介绍这一历史发展的基石。