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On guard but not sworn: The relationship between school security guards, school resource officers, and student behavior, discipline, and arrests
Criminology & Public Policy ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-15 , DOI: 10.1111/1745-9133.12653
Keenen Vernon 1 , F. Chris Curran 1

The increasing presence of armed security personnel in schools has led to concerns about the criminalization of students. While many schools use sworn law enforcement (e.g. school resource officers or SROs), many schools also use security guards who are not sworn law enforcement. Recent policy changes in a number of states and political pressures resulting from acts of mass school violence have led policymakers to face decisions between the use of SROs and security guards. This study informs this policy debate by empirically examining the relationships between security guards and SROs with rates of student behavior, discipline, and arrest using nationally representative data from the Civil Rights Data Collection. Controlling for observable covariates and school district fixed effects, we find that, in contrast to SROs, the use of security guards in schools is not systematically related to student arrest or suspension rates. The findings suggest that non-sworn security guards may provide a form of security personnel that minimizes the criminalization of students relative to SROs.



学校中武装保安人员的增加引发了人们对学生被定罪的担忧。虽然许多学校使用宣誓执法人员(例如学校资源官员或 SRO),但许多学校也使用非宣誓执法人员的保安人员。最近一些州的政策变化以及大规模校园暴力行为带来的政治压力,导致政策制定者面临使用 SRO 和保安人员之间的决定。本研究使用民权数据收集中的全国代表性数据,通过实证检验保安人员和 SRO 之间的关系与学生行为、纪律和逮捕率之间的关系,为这场政策辩论提供信息。控制可观察的协变量和学区固定效应后,我们发现,与 SRO 相比,学校保安的使用与学生被捕或停学率没有系统性相关。研究结果表明,未宣誓的保安人员可以提供一种安全人员形式,最大限度地减少与 SRO 相关的学生的犯罪行为。