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E-Connect: Linking probation youth at risk for suicide to behavioral health services.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-01 , DOI: 10.1037/ccp0000824
Katherine S Elkington 1 , Gail A Wasserman 1 , Margaret E Ryan 2 , Corianna E Sichel 1 , Casey Sarapas 3 , Michael L Dennis 3 , Faye S Taxman 4

OBJECTIVE Youth involved in the justice system (YIJ) have higher rates of suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STB) and associated behavioral health (BH) problems, yet lower levels of service use compared to youth in the general population. This study examined the efficacy of e-Connect, a digital clinical decision support system (CDSS), at improving STB risk identification, referral, and linkage to BH services by probation officers. As the intervention spanned pre- and post-COVID-19 shutdown periods, we also examined the disruption in public agencies' service provision on study outcomes. METHOD Administrative record data (1,488 youth, ages 10-18 years, 56% male, 56% White) allowed examination of differences between care-as-usual (baseline) and e-Connect in screening, identification of STB and BH problems, referral, and treatment initiation. RESULTS Compared to care-as-usual, probation officers using e-Connect were over five times as likely to identify YIJ with STB (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 5.86; 95% confidence interval, CI [3.24, 11.7]) and over 11 times more likely to refer YIJ in need of BH services to treatment (aOR = 11.04; 95% CI [6.54, 19.43]). In turn, youth referred to treatment via e-Connect were nearly 17 times more likely to initiate (aOR = 16.92; 95% CI [9.17, 32.60]). Results remained unchanged during the pre- and post-COVID-19 shutdown periods. CONCLUSION e-Connect is one of the first digital STB screening, referral, and linkage-to-service systems that use CDSS technology to successfully assist probation officers in linking youth on their caseload to treatment. Such an approach may support identification of STB and cross-systems linkage in other youth-serving organizations, such as schools, that increasingly manage youth BH problems with minimal clinical support. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).



目标 参与​​司法系统的青少年 (YIJ) 与一般人群中的青少年相比,自杀念头和行为 (STB) 以及相关行为健康 (BH) 问题的发生率较高,但服务使用水平较低。本研究检验了数字临床决策支持系统 (CDSS) e-Connect 在改善缓刑官员 STB 风险识别、转诊和与 BH 服务的链接方面的功效。由于干预跨越了 COVID-19 关闭之前和之后的时期,我们还研究了公共机构服务提供的中断对研究结果的影响。方法 行政记录数据(1,488 名青少年,年龄 10-18 岁,56% 男性,56% 白人)可以检查照常护理(基线)和 e-Connect 在筛查、识别 STB 和 BH 问题、转诊方面的差异和治疗开始。结果 与照常护理相比,使用 e-Connect 的缓刑官员将 YIJ 识别为 STB 的可能性是后者的五倍以上(调整后优势比 [aOR] = 5.86;95% 置信区间,CI [3.24, 11.7])将需要 BH 服务的 YIJ 转诊至治疗的可能性高出 11 倍(aOR = 11.04;95% CI [6.54, 19.43])。反过来,通过 e-Connect 转介治疗的青少年开始治疗的可能性高出近 17 倍(aOR = 16.92;95% CI [9.17, 32.60])。在 COVID-19 关闭前后期间,结果保持不变。结论 e-Connect 是首批数字 STB 筛查、转诊和服务链接系统之一,它使用 CDSS 技术成功协助缓刑官员将青少年的案件量与治疗联系起来。 这种方法可以支持其他青年服务组织(例如学校)中的 STB 和跨系统联系的识别,这些组织越来越多地以最少的临床支持来管理青年 BH 问题。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2023 APA,保留所有权利)。