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Effects of the EXECP Intervention on Motor Function, Muscle Strength and Joint Flexibility in Individuals with Cerebral Palsy.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-07 , DOI: 10.1249/mss.0000000000003273
Pedro Valadão 1 , Francesco Cenni 1 , Harri Piitulainen , Janne Avela 1 , Taija Finni 1

PURPOSE Numerous exercise interventions to enhance motor function in cerebral palsy (CP) have been proposed, with varying degrees of effectiveness. Since motor function requires a combination of muscle strength, joint flexibility and motor coordination, we designed a supervised multicomponent exercise intervention (EXECP) for individuals with CP. Our aim was to evaluate the effects of the EXECP intervention and its retention after it ceased. METHODS The EXECP intervention combined strength training for the lower limbs and trunk muscles, passive stretching for the lower limb muscles and inclined treadmill gait training. Eighteen participants with CP (mean age: 14, 13 males) were tested twice before the three-month intervention and twice after the intervention, each test separated by three months. Seventeen typically developing age and sex-matched controls were tested twice. Motor function was assessed with the six minutes walking test (6MWT) and the gross motor function measure (GMFM) dimensions D and E. Passive joint flexibility was measured with goniometry. Isometric and concentric muscle strength were assessed at the knee, ankle and trunk joints. RESULTS The EXECP intervention successfully increased 6MWT (p < 0.001), GMFM (p = 0.004) and muscle strength for knee and trunk muscles (p < 0.05), although no changes were observed for ankle joint muscles. Hip and knee joint flexibility also increased (p < 0.05). After the retention period, all tested variables except the 6MWT and knee joint flexibility regressed and were not different from the pre-tests. CONCLUSIONS The improvements in strength, flexibility, and possibly motor coordination brought by the EXECP intervention were transferred to significant functional gains. The regression towards baseline after the intervention highlights that training must be a life-long decision for individuals with CP.


EXECP 干预对脑瘫患者运动功能、肌肉力量和关节灵活性的影响。

目的 已经提出了许多增强脑瘫(CP)运动功能的运动干预措施,并具有不同程度的有效性。由于运动功能需要肌肉力量、关节灵活性和运动协调性的结合,我们为脑瘫患者设计了一种监督下的多成分运动干预 (EXECP)。我们的目的是评估 EXECP 干预的效果及其停止后的保留情况。方法EXECP干预结合下肢和躯干肌肉力量训练、下肢肌肉被动伸展和倾斜跑步机步态训练。18 名 CP 参与者(平均年龄:14 岁,其中 13 名男性)在为期三个月的干预前和干预后接受了两次测试,每次测试间隔三个月。对 17 名年龄和性别匹配的典型发育对照进行了两次测试。通过六分钟步行测试 (6MWT) 和粗大运动功能测量 (GMFM) D 和 E 维度评估运动功能。通过测角法测量被动关节灵活性。评估膝关节、踝关节和躯干关节的等长肌力和同心肌力。结果 EXECP 干预成功增加了 6MWT (p < 0.001)、GMFM (p = 0.004) 以及膝关节和躯干肌肉的肌力 (p < 0.05),但未观察到踝关节肌肉发生变化。髋关节和膝关节的灵活性也有所增加(p < 0.05)。保留期结束后,除6MWT和膝关节灵活性外,所有测试变量均有所下降,与测试前没有差异。结论 EXECP 干预带来的力量、灵活性和可能的​​运动协调性的改善转化为显着的功能增益。干预后向基线的回归表明,对于脑瘫患者来说,训练必须是一个终生的决定。