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Running toward my challenges: Day-level effects of physical activity before work on appraisal of the upcoming workday and employee well-being.
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-10 , DOI: 10.1037/ocp0000360
Malte Roswag 1 , Sascha Abdel Hadi 2 , Jan A Häusser 2 , Andreas Mojzisch 1

Previous research has typically conceptualized physical activity as a recovery activity after work that promotes well-being by allowing employees to detach from work and replenish their resources. Here, we aimed to go beyond this framework by proposing a new theoretical model of how physical activity in the morning before work affects employee well-being. Drawing upon the transactional theory of stress, we theorized that physical activity before work shapes employees' appraisal of their upcoming workday which, in turn, affects their well-being. In a preregistered study (N = 269), we utilized a within-person daily experience sampling approach to test our model. Results showed that two types of appraisals are particularly important for explaining the effects of physical activity before work on employee well-being: First, challenge appraisal mediated the effects of physical activity before work on work engagement. Second, we found an indirect effect via threat appraisal of physical activity before work on job-related anxiety. Exploratorily, we found that threat appraisal also mediated the effect of physical activity before work on emotional exhaustion. In conclusion, our results show that physical activity before work is beneficially related to several types of well-being outcomes by increasing challenge appraisal and decreasing threat appraisal. Furthermore, our study advances theoretical understanding on physical activity and work stress by shedding light on the mechanisms underlying the effect of physical activity on employee well-being and showing that physical activity before work benefits well-being by shaping how employees appraise their work situation on a day-to-day basis. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).



之前的研究通常将体育活动概念化为下班后的恢复活动,通过让员工从工作中抽离出来并补充资源来促进幸福感。在这里,我们的目标是超越这个框架,提出一个新的理论模型,研究早上上班前的身体活动如何影响员工的福祉。根据压力的交易理论,我们推测工作前的体力活动会影响员工对即将到来的工作日的评价,进而影响他们的幸福感。在一项预先注册的研究(N = 269)中,我们利用个人日常经验抽样方法来测试我们的模型。结果表明,有两种类型的评估对于解释工作前身体活动对员工幸福感的影响特别重要:首先,挑战评估调节工作前身体活动对工作投入的影响。其次,我们发现通过工作前体力活动的威胁评估对与工作相关的焦虑有间接影响。我们探索性地发现,威胁评估也调节了工作前体力活动对情绪衰竭的影响。总之,我们的结果表明,工作前的体力活动通过增加挑战评估和减少威胁评估,与多种类型的幸福感结果有益相关。此外,我们的研究通过揭示体力活动对员工幸福感影响的机制,并表明工作前的体力活动通过塑造员工如何评价自己的工作状况而有益于幸福感,从而推进了对体力活动和工作压力的理论理解。以日常为基础。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2023 APA,保留所有权利)。