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Dual-promotion: Bragging better by promoting peers.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-10 , DOI: 10.1037/pspi0000431
Eric M VanEpps 1 , Einav Hart 2 , Maurice E Schweitzer 3

To create favorable impressions and receive credit, individuals need to share information about their past accomplishments. Broadcasting one's past accomplishments or claiming credit to demonstrate competence, however, can harm perceptions of warmth and likability. In fact, prior work has conceptualized self-promotion as a hydraulic challenge: tactics that boost perceptions along one dimension (e.g., competence) harm perceptions along other dimensions (e.g., warmth). In this work, we identify a novel approach to self-promotion: We show that by combining self-promotion with other-promotion (complimenting or giving credit to others), which we term "dual-promotion," individuals can project both warmth and competence to make better impressions on observers than they do by only self-promoting. In seven preregistered studies, including analyses of annual reports from members of Congress and experiments using social network, workplace, and political contexts (total N = 1,448), we show that individuals who engage in dual-promotion create more favorable impressions of warmth and competence than those who only engage in self-promotion. The beneficial effects of dual-promotion are robust to both competitive and noncompetitive contexts and extend to behavioral intentions. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



为了创造良好的印象并获得信誉,个人需要分享有关他们过去成就的信息。然而,传播一个人过去的成就或声称自己有能力证明自己的能力,可能会损害温暖和讨人喜欢的感觉。事实上,之前的工作已将自我推销概念化为一种水力挑战:在一个维度(例如,能力)提升认知的策略会损害在其他维度(例如,温暖)的认知。在这项工作中,我们确定了一种新颖的自我推销方法:我们表明,通过将自我推销与他人推销(赞美或赞扬他人)结合起来(我们称之为“双重推销”),个人可以表现出温暖和信任。与仅仅自我推销相比,他们有能力给观察者留下更好的印象。在七项预先注册的研究中,包括对国会议员年度报告的分析以及使用社交网络、工作场所和政治背景进行的实验(总计 N = 1,448),我们表明,参与双重晋升的个人会产生更热情和有能力的良好印象比那些只从事自我推销的人。双重促销的有益效果对于竞争性和非竞争性环境都很有效,并延伸到行为意图。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。