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The Impact of COVID-19 on Crime: a Systematic Review
American Journal of Criminal Justice ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s12103-023-09746-4
C. M. Hoeboer , W. M. Kitselaar , J. F. Henrich , E. J. Miedzobrodzka , B. Wohlstetter , E. Giebels , G. Meynen , E. W. Kruisbergen , M. Kempes , M. Olff , C. H. de Kogel

COVID-19 caused a great burden on the healthcare system and led to lockdown measures across the globe. These measures are likely to influence crime rates, but a comprehensive overview on the impact of COVID-19 on crime rates is lacking. The aim of the current study was to systematically review evidence on the impact of COVID-19 measures on crime rates across the globe. We conducted a systematic search in several databases to identify eligible studies up until 6–12-2021. A total of 46 studies were identified, reporting on 99 crime rates about robberies (n = 12), property crime (n = 15), drug crime (n = 5), fraud (n = 5), physical violence (n = 15), sexual violence (n = 11), homicides (n = 12), cybercrime (n = 3), domestic violence (n = 3), intimate partner violence (n = 14), and other crimes (n = 4). Overall, studies showed that most types of crime temporarily declined during COVID-19 measures. Homicides and cybercrime were an exception to this rule and did not show significant changes following COVID-19 restrictions. Studies on domestic violence often found increased crime rates, and this was particularly true for studies based on call data rather than crime records. Studies on intimate partner violence reported mixed results. We found an immediate impact of COVID-19 restrictions on almost all crime rates except for homicides, cybercrimes and intimate partner violence.


COVID-19 对犯罪的影响:系统回顾

COVID-19 给医疗保健系统造成了巨大负担,并导致全球范围内采取封锁措施。这些措施可能会影响犯罪率,但缺乏对 COVID-19 对犯罪率影响的全面概述。本研究的目的是系统地审查有关 COVID-19 措施对全球犯罪率影响的证据。我们在多个数据库中进行了系统检索,以确定截至 2021 年 6 月 12 日为止符合条件的研究。总共确定了 46 项研究,报告了 99 项犯罪率,涉及抢劫 ( n  = 12)、财产犯罪 ( n  = 15)、毒品犯罪 ( n  = 5)、欺诈 ( n  = 5)、身体暴力 ( n  = 15) )、性暴力(n  = 11)、杀人(n  = 12)、网络犯罪(n  = 3)、家庭暴力(n  = 3)、亲密伴侣暴力(n  = 14)和其他犯罪(n  = 4)。总体而言,研究表明,在采取新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 措施期间,大多数类型的犯罪活动暂时下降。凶杀案和网络犯罪是该规则的例外,并且在 COVID-19 限制之后并未出现重大变化。关于家庭暴力的研究经常发现犯罪率上升,对于基于通话数据而不是犯罪记录的研究尤其如此。关于亲密伴侣暴力的研究报告的结果好坏参半。我们发现,除了凶杀、网络犯罪和亲密伴侣暴力之外,COVID-19 限制对几乎所有犯罪率都产生了直接影响。
