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Driving the Extra Mile in the Gig Economy: The Motivational Foundations of Gig Worker Citizenship
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-14 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-111821-033012
Robert H. Moorman 1 , Brian D. Lyons 1 , Brittany K. Mercado 1 , Anthony C. Klotz 2

The emergence of gig work (e.g., freelancing, rideshare driving, food and parcel delivery, travel nursing, virtual assistantship) and the gig economy challenges organizational researchers to consider how they should revise traditional theories of work behavior to consider the dynamics of new work arrangements. As a prime example that is central to this review, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is a form of job performance whereby motives stem from the quality of work relationships with direct supervisors, coworkers, and other organizational agents. However, gig workers experience very different work relationships and may perform OCB for different reasons (if at all). In this review, we address the question of how OCB theory should evolve to be relevant to gig workers. We summarize traditional motives for OCB performance and review current research describing and classifying gig work. We conclude by ( a) identifying gig worker citizenship (GWC) as a form of citizenship behavior that better fits the reality of gig work and ( b) offering a revised model of how OCB motives may help predict GWC performance.



零工工作(例如自由职业、拼车驾驶、食品和包裹递送、旅行护理、虚拟助理)和零工经济的出现向组织研究人员提出挑战,要求他们考虑如何修改传统的工作行为理论,以考虑新工作安排的动态。作为本次审查的一个主要例子,组织公民行为(OCB)是工作绩效的一种形式,其动机源于与直接主管、同事和其他组织代理人的工作关系的质量。然而,零工工人经历着截然不同的工作关系,并且可能出于不同的原因(如果有的话)执行 OCB。在这篇综述中,我们解决了 OCB 理论应如何发展才能与零工工人相关的问题。我们总结了 OCB 绩效的传统动机,并回顾了当前描述和分类零工工作的研究。我们的结论是:(a) 将零工工人公民身份 (GWC) 确定为一种更适合零工工作现实的公民行为形式,并 (b) 提供 OCB 动机如何帮助预测 GWC 绩效的修订模型。