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Achieving Equality or Persisting Inequality: Effects of Framing of Equality on Attitudes Toward Women and Gender Equality Through Identity Threat and Cognitive Unfreezing
Sex Roles ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s11199-023-01432-3
Isabel Cuadrado , Andreea A. Constantin , Lucía López-Rodríguez , Lucía Estevan-Reina

Previous evidence suggests that interventions that raise awareness of gender inequality might have the potential to challenge and undo well-anchored biases but, at the same time, might be threatening and provoke reactance against them. The effects of such interventions might also have a differential impact on women and men and vary depending on their level of neosexism and feminist identification. Extending previous research, two pre-registered studies (N = 1,895) were conducted to explore the differential effects of interventions that raise awareness of gender (in)equality with two frames (i.e., gender equality achievement vs. gender inequality persistence) on women’s and men’s attitudes toward women and gender equality. We also examined whether participants’ gender ideology moderates these effects via different psychological mechanisms (identity threat and cognitive unfreezing). Results indicated that for women, the gender inequality persistence framing is more effective (increases cognitive unfreezing) but potentially riskier (enhances identity threat) than the gender equality achievement framing. For men, the gender equality achievement framing seems especially effective as it reduced identity threat, although such effect is contingent on their gender ideology (feminist identification or/and neosexism). These findings have implications for the discourse of practitioners, politicians, and activists who might capitalize on the power of combining gender equality with gender inequality frames to improve attitudes toward women and gender equality depending on the specific goals, the context, and the target of the interventions.



先前的证据表明,提高对性别不平等认识的干预措施可能有可能挑战和消除根深蒂固的偏见,但同时也可能会威胁并激起对它们的抵制。此类干预措施的效果也可能对女性和男性产生不同的影响,并根据他们的新性别主义和女权主义认同程度而有所不同。扩展之前的研究,进行了两项预先注册的研究(N  = 1,895),以探讨通过两个框架(即性别平等成就与性别不平等持续性)提高性别(不)平等意识的干预措施对妇女和性别平等的不同影响。男性对女性的态度和性别平等。我们还研究了参与者的性别意识形态是否通过不同的心理机制(身份威胁和认知解冻)来调节这些影响。结果表明,对于女性来说,性别不平等持续性框架比性别平等成就框架更有效(增加认知解冻),但潜在风险更大(增强身份威胁)。对于男性来说,性别平等成就框架似乎特别有效,因为它减少了身份威胁,尽管这种效果取决于他们的性别意识形态(女权主义认同或/和新性别主义)。这些发现对实践者、政治家和活动家的话语具有影响,他们可能会根据具体目标、背景和目标,利用将性别平等与性别不平等框架相结合的力量来改善对妇女和性别平等的态度。干预措施。
