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Interesting Behavior of Geranic Acid during the Beer Brewing Process: Why Could Geranic Acid Remain at a Higher Level Only in the Beer Using Sorachi Ace Hops?
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-14 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.3c04740
Ayako Sanekata 1 , Atsushi Tanigawa 2 , Kiyoshi Takoi 1 , Yasuyuki Nakayama 2 , Youichi Tsuchiya 1

Hops are among the most important ingredients in beer that contribute to beer flavor. Consequently, novel types of hops have been bred and widely used worldwide. For example, the Sorachi Ace hop imparts characteristic varietal aromas, including woody, pine-like, citrus, dill-like, and lemongrass-like aromas, to the finished beer. In our previous study, the unique volatile compound geranic acid was significantly detected only in the test beer brewed with the Sorachi Ace hop; moreover, the coexistence of geranic acid and other hop-derived flavor compounds could result in the characteristic aroma of the Sorachi Ace beers. In this study, selected hop-derived flavor compounds, including geranic acid, were compared among 17 hop varieties. The geranic acid content in the Sorachi Ace hop was the highest among the studied hops. We also investigated the behavior of geranic acid and related flavor compounds throughout the fermentation process. The content of geranic acid was higher than those of the other compounds during fermentation. Next, we compared the concentrations of these compounds in kettle-, late-, and dry-hopped beers using Sorachi Ace hop. The results revealed that geranic acid remained at higher concentrations from the worts to finished beers despite the decrease in the content of other hop-derived flavor compounds as a result of evaporation and/or other factors during brewing. Further, geranic acid could remain at high levels in the test-brewed beers with Sorachi Ace hops because of its behavior as an acid throughout the brewing process, including during wort boiling and fermentation.


啤酒酿造过程中香叶酸的有趣行为:为什么只有使用 Sorachi Ace 啤酒花的啤酒中香叶酸才能保持较高水平?

啤酒花是啤酒中最重要的成分之一,有助于啤酒风味。因此,新型啤酒花被培育出来并在世界范围内广泛使用。例如,Sorachi Ace 啤酒花赋予成品啤酒特有的品种香气,包括木香、松树香、柑橘香、莳萝香和柠檬草香。在我们之前的研究中,只有在用Sorachi Ace啤酒花酿造的测试啤酒中才显着检测到独特的挥发性化合物香叶酸;此外,香叶酸和其他啤酒花风味化合物的共存可能会产生 Sorachi Ace 啤酒的特有香气。在这项研究中,对 17 个啤酒花品种中选定的啤酒花风味化合物(包括香叶酸)进行了比较。Sorachi Ace 啤酒花中香叶酸的含量是所研究的啤酒花中最高的。我们还研究了香叶酸和相关风味化合物在整个发酵过程中的行为。发酵过程中香叶酸的含量高于其他化合物。接下来,我们比较了使用 Sorachi Ace 啤酒花的釜式啤酒花、晚投花啤酒和干投啤酒花中这些化合物的浓度。结果表明,尽管由于酿造过程中的蒸发和/或其他因素导致其他啤酒花风味化合物的含量下降,但从麦芽汁到成品啤酒,香叶酸仍保持较高的浓度。此外,在用 Sorachi Ace 啤酒花试酿的啤酒中,香叶酸可以保持较高水平,因为它在整个酿造过程中(包括麦芽汁煮沸和发酵过程中)都充当酸。