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Phase Transitions, Dielectric Response, and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Aziridinium Lead Halide Perovskites
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-14 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c02200
Mirosław Mączka 1 , Maciej Ptak 1 , Anna Gągor 1 , Jan K Zaręba 2 , Xia Liang 3 , Sergejus Balčiu Nas 4 , Oleksandr A Semenikhin 5 , Olesia I Kucheriv 5 , Il'ya A Gural'skiy 5 , Sergiu Shova 6 , Aron Walsh 3, 7 , Ju Ras Banys 4 , Mantas Šimėnas 4

Hybrid organic–inorganic lead halide perovskites are promising candidates for next-generation solar cells, light-emitting diodes, photodetectors, and lasers. The structural, dynamic, and phase-transition properties play a key role in the performance of these materials. In this work, we use a multitechnique experimental (thermal, X-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, dielectric, nonlinear optical) and theoretical (machine-learning force field) approach to map the phase diagrams and obtain information on molecular dynamics and mechanism of the structural phase transitions in novel 3D AZRPbX3 perovskites (AZR = aziridinium; X = Cl, Br, I). Our work reveals that all perovskites undergo order–disorder phase transitions at low temperatures, which significantly affect the structural, dielectric, phonon, and nonlinear optical properties of these compounds. The desirable cubic phases of AZRPbX3 remain stable at lower temperatures (132, 145, and 162 K for I, Br, and Cl) compared to the methylammonium and formamidinium analogues. Similar to other 3D-connected hybrid perovskites, the dielectric response reveals a rather high dielectric permittivity, an important feature for defect tolerance. We further show that AZRPbBr3 and AZRPbI3 exhibit strong nonlinear optical absorption. The high two-photon brightness of AZRPbI3 emission stands out among lead perovskites emitting in the near-infrared region.



混合有机-无机卤化铅钙钛矿是下一代太阳能电池、发光二极管、光电探测器和激光器的有希望的候选者。结构、动态和相变特性对这些材料的性能起着关键作用。在这项工作中,我们使用多种技术实验(热、X射线衍射、拉曼散射、介电、非线性光学)和理论(机器学习力场)方法来绘制相图并获得有关分子动力学和机制的信息。新型 3D AZRPbX 3钙钛矿(AZR = 氮丙啶鎓;X = Cl、Br、I)中的结构相变。我们的工作表明,所有钙钛矿在低温下都会经历有序-无序相变,这显着影响这些化合物的结构、介电、声子和非线性光学性质。与甲基铵和甲脒类似物相比,AZRPbX 3所需的立方相在较低温度(I、Br 和 Cl 为 132、145 和 162 K)下保持稳定。与其他 3D 连接的混合钙钛矿类似,介电响应显示出相当高的介电常数,这是缺陷容限的一个重要特征。我们进一步表明AZRPbBr 3和AZRPbI 3表现出很强的非线性光学吸收。 AZRPbI 3发射的高双光子亮度在近红外区域发射的铅钙钛矿中脱颖而出。