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Characterization of the Corrosion Mechanism of Cu/Al Clad Plates in Simulated Acid Rain Solution
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s11665-023-08939-6
Yifan Zhang , Xiaoguang Yuan , Xiaojiao Zuo

Cu/Al clad plates are widely used in the aerospace, electric power, metallurgical and chemical industries and for architectural decoration. Understanding the corrosion behavior of Cu/Al clad plates is of vital importance to effectively avoid catastrophic failures due to acid rain. The impact of H+ on the corrosion behavior of Cu/Al clad plates was studied. The corrosion mechanism of Cu/Al clad plates was dominated by both chemical corrosion and electrochemical corrosion, which was influenced by the pH values of the acid solution and the types of anions. The corrosion current density decreased from 0.51 μA cm−2 to 0.02 μA cm−2 as the pH increased, while Rct increased from 6.5 × 103 ± 1.3 × 103 Ω cm2 to 1.3 × 104 ± 8.8 × 103 Ω cm2, indicating that the corrosion rate decreased as well. Furthermore, numerous copper ions were replaced by Cu particles due to chemical corrosion. The Cu particles (the cathode) covered the aluminum, which formed countless microgalvanic cells with aluminum (the anode) to accelerate the corrosion rate.



铜铝复合板广泛应用于航空航天、电力、冶金、化工和建筑装饰等领域。了解铜/铝复合板的腐蚀行为对于有效避免酸雨造成的灾难性故障至关重要。研究了H +对Cu/Al复合板腐蚀行为的影响。Cu/Al复合板的腐蚀机理以化学腐蚀和电化学腐蚀为主,且受酸溶液pH值和阴离子种类的影响。随着pH值的增加,腐蚀电流密度从0.51 μA cm -2减小到0.02 μA cm -2 ,而R ct从6.5 × 10 3  ± 1.3 × 10 3  Ω cm 2增大到1.3 × 10 4  ± 8.8 × 10 3  Ω cm 2,表明腐蚀速率也降低。此外,由于化学腐蚀,大量铜离子被铜颗粒取代。铜颗粒(阴极)覆盖在铝上,与铝(阳极)形成无数微原电池,加速腐蚀速度。
