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Atomically Dispersed Iron Regulating Electronic Structure of Iron Atom Clusters for Electrocatalytic H2O2 Production and Biomass Upgrading
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-09 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202314414
Hui Xu 1, 2 , Shengbo Zhang 1, 2 , Xinyuan Zhang 1, 2 , Min Xu 1, 2 , Miaomiao Han 3 , Li Rong Zheng 4 , Yunxia Zhang 1, 2 , Guozhong Wang 1, 2 , Haimin Zhang 1, 2 , Huijun Zhao 5

A 2e ORR electrocatalyst, comprised of oxygen-coordinated Fe single atoms and atom clusters anchored onto bacterial cellulose-derived carbon, was successfully fabricated. This material exhibited superior electrocatalytic activity toward H2O2 production and allowed for coupling by an electro-Fenton process, primarily owing to the active sites of Fe atom clusters with optimized electronic structure regulated by Fe single atoms, resulting in the suitable binding strength of the *OOH intermediate.


原子分散铁调节铁原子团簇的电子结构用于电催化 H2O2 生产和生物质升级

成功制造了一种 2e - ORR 电催化剂,由锚定在细菌纤维素衍生碳上的氧配位 Fe 单原子和原子簇组成。该材料对H 2 O 2生产表现出优异的电催化活性,并允许通过电芬顿过程进行偶联,这主要是由于Fe原子簇的活性位点具有受Fe单原子调节的优化电子结构,从而产生了合适的结合强度*OOH 中间体。