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Photo-assembling cyclic peptides for dynamic light-driven peptide nanotubes
Chem ( IF 19.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chempr.2023.10.005
Marcos Vilela-Picos , Federica Novelli , Antía Pazó , Alejandro Méndez-Ardoy , Giulia Marafon , Manuel Amorín , Alessandro Moretto , Juan R. Granja

Cyclic peptides containing a β-unsaturated amino acid are programmed to switch between monomeric form and self-assembled peptide nanotube structures upon light irradiation. The process is triggered by the reversible E-Z isomerization of the unsaturated β-amino acid that forces the peptide to swap from the folded (unassembled) to the flat conformation (assembled). The process is also tuned by the pH media, which provides a double checkpoint control in the molecular assembly of the peptide nanotubes. The light-driven assembly process can be triggered in a confined environment, and the resulting nanotubes allow the inter-vesicle communication, providing droplets with self-fusiogenic properties.



含有β-不饱和氨基酸的环肽被编程为在光照射下在单体形式和自组装肽纳米管结构之间切换。该过程是由不饱和 β-氨基酸的可逆E -Z 异构化触发的,迫使肽从折叠(未组装)转变为扁平构象(组装)。该过程还通过 pH 介质进行调节,在肽纳米管的分子组装中提供双重检查点控制。光驱动的组装过程可以在有限的环境中触发,产生的纳米管允许囊泡间通讯,为液滴提供自融合特性。
