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Credit charge-cum-reward scheme for green multi-modal mobility
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trb.2023.102852
Hongxing Ding , Hai Yang , Xiaoran Qin , Hongli Xu

To promote green mobility and alleviate congestion and emissions, this study proposes a credit charge-cum-reward (CCR) scheme where the government determines mode-specific credit charging and rewarding rates together with charging and redemption prices to achieve regulation objectives. Over a CCR scheme period, travelers choose either driving by consuming credits or taking transit to accumulate credits to minimize individual travel costs. At the end of the period, the individual credit balance will be settled by the government at a charging (redemption) price for credit deficits (surpluses). From the viewpoint of travelers, we consider their heterogeneity in value of time and characterize their periodic mode usage equilibrium by formulating a decision optimization problem. From the viewpoint of the government, we discuss the design of CCR schemes without and with revenue constraints. We also investigate the Pareto-improvement and revenue-neutrality of CCR schemes. We prove theoretically and numerically that the proposed CCR scheme flexibly facilitates multi-modal traffic demand management by regulating travelers’ periodic mode usage behavior via charging and rewarding rates and differentiated charging and redemption prices.



为了促进绿色出行并缓解拥堵和排放,本研究提出了一种信贷收费加奖励(CCR)计划,由政府确定特定模式的信贷收费和奖励率以及收费和赎回价格,以实现监管目标。在CCR计划期间,旅行者可以选择消费积分驾车或乘坐公共交通积累积分,以最大限度地降低个人出行成本。期末,个人信用余额由政府按照信用赤字(盈余)的收费(赎回)价格进行结算。从旅行者的角度来看,我们考虑他们的时间价值的异质性,并通过制定决策优化问题来表征他们的周期性模式使用平衡。我们从政府的角度,讨论了无收入约束和有收入约束的 CCR 方案的设计。我们还研究了 CCR 方案的帕累托改进和收入中性。我们从理论上和数值上证明,所提出的 CCR 方案通过收费和奖励率以及差异化的收费和兑换价格来调节旅行者的周期性模式使用行为,灵活地促进多模式交通需求管理。
