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Tolerance to residual astigmatism of an isofocal intraocular lens
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s00417-023-06305-9
Lidia Pérez-Sanz 1, 2 , Fidel Vega 3 , Juan A Azor-Morón 3 , Fátima Cuellar 3 , María S Millán 3 , Nuria Garzón 1


To evaluate the impact of residual astigmatism on the optical and visual performance of an enhanced-monofocal isofocal intraocular lens (EM Isopure, BVI medical, Belgium) compared to a monofocal one (Micropure, BVI medical, Belgium).


Laboratory investigation and prospective, comparative and randomized clinical study. Optical quality was assessed on an optical bench for 2.0, 3.0, and 4.5 mm pupils. The effect of residual astigmatism was investigated from through-focus images recorded with increasing amounts of regular positive astigmatism induced with a deformable mirror. To evaluate the impact of residual astigmatism, 28 eyes of 28 patients were randomly assigned to either group. Residual astigmatism was induced with positive and negative cylinder lenses at 90 and 180°. Visual acuity (VA) was measured at each step.


The optical performance of both IOLs was quite similar for 2.0 and 3.0 mm pupils. For 4.5-mm pupil, the EM Isopure showed a significant reduction of its optical quality in comparison with the monofocal IOL. When visual performance was evaluated, no statistically significant differences were found for any power of induced astigmatism. More differences were found when positive induced astigmatism was compared within each group, and VA was better when the astigmatism was induced at 180° vs. 90°. The greatest differences were found for and induced positive astigmatism of + 1.50D (p = 0.009 for Isopure and p = 0.023 for Micropure).


The tolerance to residual astigmatism of the EM Isopure lens is similar to that of a reference monofocal lens with pupils up to 3.5 mm.




与单焦点人工晶状体(Micropure,BVI 医疗,比利时)相比,评估残余散光对增强型单焦点等焦点人工晶状体(EM Isopure,BVI 医疗,比利时)的光学和视觉性能的影响。


实验室调查以及前瞻性、比较和随机临床研究。在光具座上评估 2.0、3.0 和 4.5 mm 瞳孔的光学质量。通过使用可变形镜引起的逐渐增加的规则正散光记录的离焦图像来研究残余散光的影响。为了评估残余散光的影响,28 名患者的 28 只眼睛被随机分配到两组。使用90°和180°的正柱面透镜和负柱面透镜引起残余散光。每一步都测量视力(VA)。


对于 2.0 和 3.0 毫米瞳孔,两种 IOL 的光学性能非常相似。对于 4.5 毫米瞳孔,与单焦点 IOL 相比,EM Isopure 的光学质量显着下降。当评估视觉表现时,没有发现诱发散光的任何度数存在统计学上的显着差异。当在各组内比较正诱导散光时发现更多差异,并且当散光在180°诱导时比在90°时VA更好。最大差异被发现为 + 1.50D 的正散光(Isopure 的p = 0.009,Micropure 的p = 0.023)。


EM Isopure 镜片对残余散光的容忍度与瞳孔最大为 3.5 毫米的参考单焦点镜片相似。
