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From forest to pastures and silvopastoral systems: Soil carbon and nitrogen stocks changes in northeast Amazônia
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168251
José Ferreira Lustosa Filho 1 , Hugo Mariano Rodrigues de Oliveira 2 , Vanessa Maria de Souza Barros 1 , Antonio Clementino Dos Santos 2 , Teogenes Senna de Oliveira 1

The Cerrado-Amazon ecotone has been under intense pressure over the years from agricultural and urban expansion, both of which are land uses that directly affect soil quality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the responses of soil carbon and nitrogen stocks, soil organic matter (SOM) quality, carbon isotopic composition (C) from C and C plants and carbon sequestration and emission to silvopastoral systems, natural vegetation (NV), fallow pasture (FP), and intensive management pasture (IMP). Silvopastoral systems had different shading levels: 25 % (SP25), 50 % (SP50) and 75 % (SP75). The grass cultivated in all treatments was cv. Mombaça. The experimental design consisted of four replicates, and collection sites were distributed in strips throughout the study areas at different soil layers (0.00–0.05; 0.05–0.15; 0.15–0.30; 0.30–0.60 and 0.60–1.0 m deep). The conversion of natural vegetation in FP areas and silvopastoral systems (SP25 and SP75) led to increases in total C and N stocks (up to 1.0 m) when compared to other land use systems (SP50, IMP, and NV), which did not occur with total labile-C and C-POM. FP, SP25 and SP75 significantly increased labile C stocks in MAOM found in the 0.30–0.60 m layer. A greater enrichment of C in MAOM was observed with increasing depth for silvopastoral systems (SP25, SP50 and SP75) and NV. C-MAOM stocks derived from C plants were higher in soils under SP25 and SP75 and from C plants under FP. C-POM stocks were higher in all silvopastoral systems under study. IMP and FP affected δC values in MAOM and POM, especially in the 0.00–0.05 m layer. C sequestration increased under FP and SP25, with greater contributions from C and C plants, respectively. Of the silvopastoral systems, SP25 had the highest C stock in soil and contributed to the sequestration of 1.67 Mg C ha yr.



多年来,塞拉多-亚马逊生态交错带一直承受着农业和城市扩张的巨大压力,这两种土地利用都直接影响土壤质量。这项工作的目的是评估土壤碳和氮储量、土壤有机质 (SOM) 质量、C 和 C 植物的碳同位素组成 (C) 以及对林牧系统、自然植被 (NV) 的碳封存和排放的响应、休耕牧场(FP)和集约化管理牧场(IMP)。林牧系统具有不同的遮荫水平:25% (SP25)、50% (SP50) 和 75% (SP75)。所有处理中栽培的草均为cv。蒙巴萨。实验设计由四个重复组成,收集点分布在整个研究区不同土层的条带中(0.00-0.05;0.05-0.15;0.15-0.30;0.30-0.60和0.60-1.0 m深)。与其他土地利用系统(SP50、IMP 和 NV)相比,FP 地区和林牧系统(SP25 和 SP75)中自然植被的转变导致碳和氮总储量增加(高达 1.0 m),而这并没有与总不稳定-C 和 C-POM 一起发生。FP、SP25 和 SP75 显着增加了 0.30-0.60 m 层 MAOM 中的不稳定碳库。随着林牧系统(SP25、SP50 和 SP75)和 ​​NV 深度的增加,MAOM 中 C 的富集程度更高。SP25 和 SP75 下的土壤中源自 C 植物的 C-MAOM 储量以及 FP 下的 C 植物中的 C-MAOM 储量较高。在所研究的所有林牧系统中,C-POM 储量均较高。IMP和FP影响MAOM和POM中的δ13C值,特别是在0.00~0.05 m层。FP 和 SP25 下的碳封存有所增加,其中 C 和 C 植物的贡献分别更大。在林牧系统中,SP25 的土壤碳储量最高,每年固存 1.67 Mg C。