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Edward Alford and the Making of Country Radicalism
Journal of British Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-07 , DOI: 10.1017/s0021937100590169
Robert Zaller

Resentment of monopoly and purveyance, weariness with the burdens of a long war, and the fears and hopes attendant upon the accession of a new and foreign dynasty were all focussed by the meeting of James I's first parliament in 1604. If there was nothing entirely new in these elements, there was novelty and danger in the concurrence of so many grievances at a time when the sense of external crisis which had unified the country for the preceding quarter century was at last relaxed. The new political climate, parochial, isolationist, and hostile to government intrusion whether of church or state, was soon associated with the term “Country.” In one sense, this climate was merely a moderate intensification of perennial English localism, and as such devoid of ideological implication. But allied with the persistent failures of the early Stuart administration, particularly in dealing with parliament, it became a medium in which genuine political opposition began to develop.



1604 年詹姆斯一世召开的第一届议会会议集中了人们对垄断和特权的不满、对长期战争负担的厌倦,以及对新的外国王朝的加入所带来的恐惧和希望。在这些因素中,当过去四分之一个世纪以来团结国家的外部危机感终于得到缓解之际,如此多的不满同时存在,既新鲜又危险。新的政治气候——狭隘的、孤立主义的,以及对政府干预(无论是教会还是国家)的敌视——很快就与“国家”一词联系在一起。从某种意义上说,这种气氛只是长期存在的英国地方主义的适度强化,因此缺乏意识形态含义。但由于早期斯图亚特政府的持续失败,特别是在与议会打交道方面的失败,它成为真正的政治反对派开始发展的媒介。