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Cornwall Politics 1826-1832: Another Face of Reform?
Journal of British Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-07 , DOI: 10.1017/s0021937100590170
Edwin Jaggard

It is now more than six years since Professors D.C. Moore and R.W. Davis battled it out, toe to toe like a pair of heavyweights, over the “other face of reform” in Buckinghamshire. The controversy began, it will be recalled, when Davis in his book on Bucks electoral politics addressed himself to Moore's conclusions about a country-based reform movement. Moore suggested that it was composed of ultra-Tories and rural Whigs, who eventually influenced the framing of the First Reform Act. Davis labelled Moore's “other face of reform” an “hallucination,” at least so far as Bucks was concerned. Whereupon the latter launched a vigorous counterattack in the pages of this journal. Both scholars defended their conclusions about events in Bucks, as well as the sources upon which they were based. When the final bell rang each stood bloodied but unbowed, still convinced of the validity of his viewpoint. Since then no challengers have come forward to join the battle. The arena has remained empty, the spotlights dimmed, as if mourning a memorable brawl.


康沃尔政治 1826-1832:改革的另一面?

自 DC 摩尔教授和 RW 戴维斯教授像一对重量级人物一样,在白金汉郡就“改革的另一面”展开激烈角逐以来,已经过去六年多了。人们记得,当戴维斯在他关于雄鹿选举政治的书中谈到摩尔关于基于国家的改革运动的结论时,争议就开始了。摩尔认为,它由极端保守党和乡村辉格党组成,他们最终影响了《第一改革法案》的框架。戴维斯将摩尔的“改革的另一面”称为“幻觉”,至少就雄鹿而言是这样。于是后者在本刊上发起了猛烈的反击。两位学者都为他们关于雄鹿事件的结论及其所依据的资料来源进行了辩护。当最后的钟声响起时,每个人都浑身是血,但都没有屈服,仍然坚信自己观点的正确性。此后,再没有挑战者挺身而出加入战斗。竞技场依然空荡荡,聚光灯也变暗,仿佛在哀悼一场难忘的争吵。