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The Politics of Polemic: John Ponet's Short Treatise of Politic Power and Contemporary Circumstance 1553-1556
Journal of British Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-07 , DOI: 10.1017/s0021937100590054
Barbara Peardon

In her biographical note on John Ponet, C. H. Garrett observed that although there was “little good” to be said of him as a man, as a political pamphleteer Ponet had attracted less attention than was his due. Although W. S. Hudson and W. Gordon Zeeveld have remedied this deficiency to a considerable extent, the precise connections between Ponet's Short Treatise of Politic Power and the contemporary situation in England have not been delineated. Much of the strength of this work lies in the fact that it was written as a direct response to events in England and on the Continent. In particular, Ponet's theories regarding the natural rights of subjects stemmed from efforts by the crown in 1555 to remove the right of ownership of private property from those it regarded as delinquents: the Protestant exiles. Ponet elevated the possession of property by private individuals to the status of a right. He went on to examine the basis of regal power and its practical limits and, in arguing the legitimacy of resistance to an unjust ruler, postulated a commonwealth in which a substantial measure of power rested with “the people”.


论战的政治:约翰·波内特关于政治权力和当代环境 1553-1556 的短文

CH 加勒特在她关于约翰·波内特的传记中指出,尽管他作为一个男人“没什么好说的”,但作为一名政治小册子作者,波内特引起的关注却没有应有的多。尽管 WS Hudson 和 W. Gordon Zeeveld 在很大程度上弥补了这一缺陷,但 Ponet 之间的精确联系政治权力短论而英国目前的情况还没有被描绘出来。这部作品的优点很大程度上在于它是对英国和欧洲大陆发生的事件的直接回应。特别是,波内关于臣民自然权利的理论源于1555年国王为剥夺其认为的违法者(即新教流放者)的私有财产所有权而做出的努力。波内特将私人拥有财产提升到了一种权利的地位。他接着研究了王权的基础及其实际限制,并在论证抵抗不公正统治者的合法性时,假设了一个联邦,其中大部分权力掌握在“人民”手中。