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John Goodwin and the Origins of the New Arminianism
Journal of British Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-07 , DOI: 10.1017/s0021937100590066
Ellen More

Between the accession of Charles I in 1625 and the restoration of Charles II in 1660 Calvinism lost its hold over English religious life. The effect of Arminianism on this decline has yet to be fully understood. The impact of the early English Arminians, the circle of Archbishop Laud, is, to be sure, well known. Less appreciated is the emergence of an Arminian critique of Calvinism from within the culture of nonconformity. This “radical” or, preferably, “new” Arminianism was a phenomenon of the Cromwellian era, the 1640s and 1650s. By reconstructing the origins of the new Arminianism of its chief exponent, John Goodwin (1595-1666), this essay will try to demonstrate its pivotal place as a link between the Puritanism of the pre-civil war decades and the rational theology of the early English Enlightenment.



从 1625 年查理一世即位到 1660 年查理二世复辟之间,加尔文主义失去了对英国宗教生活的控制。阿民念主义对这种衰落的影响尚未得到充分了解。可以肯定的是,早期英国阿民念派(劳德大主教的圈子)的影响是众所周知的。不太受重视的是,在不墨守成规的文化中出现了阿民念主义对加尔文主义的批评。这种“激进”,或者更确切地说,“新”阿民念主义是克伦威尔时代、1640 年代和 1650 年代的一种现象。通过重建其主要倡导者约翰·古德温(John Goodwin,1595-1666)的新阿民念主义的起源,本文将试图展示其作为内战前几十年的清教主义与早期理性神学之间的纽带的关键地位。英语启蒙。