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Book Reviews
SIAM Review ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-07 , DOI: 10.1137/23n975818
Volker H. Schulz

SIAM Review, Volume 65, Issue 4, Page 1187-1197, November 2023.
Our section starts with the featured review of Glenn Ledder's book Mathematical Modeling for Epidemiology and Ecology. This review is a joint work of 10 authors from Anita Layton's group. This shows that one can efficiently combine a reading course with an introduction to scientific work and the writing of a review. All reviewers are enthusiastic about the book and recommend it to all researchers interested in the topic. We come from biological aspects to Eric Lauga's book Fluid Mechanics: A Very Short Introduction. Reviewer Anita Layton recommends the book especially for the younger generation of researchers. This is followed by Guenther Leobacher's review of An Introduction to the Numerical Simulation of Stochastic Differential Equations, by Desmond Higham and Peter Kloeden. The reviewer praises in particular that the authors have made the “not so easy subject accessible.” After that Guenter Leugering reviews the book PDE Control of String-Actuated Motion, by Ji Wang and Miroslav Krstic. This book is recommended as having only a small gap between mathematical rigor and engineering objectives. In contrast to that, Sean M. Eli and Krešimir Josić note that in the book Visual Differential Geometry and Forms, by Tristan Needham, “the intuition gained” is “at the expense of the rigor.” The final review is written by Mehrshad Sadria. He praises Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction, written by Kevin Murphy, as a “valuable asset for both beginners and experienced readers.” On a final note, after six years of service, I am pleased to pass on the responsibility of the Book Reviews section to Anita Layton, who has been a valued member of our editorial board for some time now. I am delighted to announce that starting in 2024, Anita will be taking the helm of this highly successful segment of SIAM Review. I wish her as much joy and fulfillment in this role as I have experienced.



SIAM Review,第 65 卷,第 4 期,第 1187-1197 页,2023 年 11 月。
我们的部分首先对 Glenn Ledder 的《流行病学和生态学数学建模》一书进行专题评论。这篇综述是来自 Anita Layton 小组的 10 位作者的共同成果。这表明人们可以有效地将阅读课程与科学工作介绍和评论写作结合起来。所有审稿人都对这本书充满热情,并将其推荐给所有对该主题感兴趣的研究人员。我们从生物学角度出发,阅读埃里克·劳加 (Eric Lauga) 的著作《流体力学:简短介绍》。评论家安妮塔·雷顿特别向年轻一代的研究人员推荐这本书。接下来是 Guenther Leobacher 对 Desmond Higham 和 Peter Kloeden 所著的《随机微分方程数值模拟简介》的评论。审稿人特别赞扬作者让“不那么容易理解的主题”。之后 Guenter Leugering 评论了 Ji Wang 和 Miroslav Krstic 所著的《弦驱动运动的 PDE 控制》一书。这本书被推荐是因为数学严谨性和工程目标之间只有很小的差距。与此相反,Sean M. Eli 和 Krešimir Josić 指出,在 Tristan Needham 所著的《视觉微分几何与形式》一书中,“获得的直觉”是“以牺牲严谨性为代价的”。最终评论由 Mehrshad Sadria 撰写。他称赞凯文·墨菲 (Kevin Murphy) 撰写的《概率机器学习:简介》是“对于初学者和有经验的读者来说的宝贵财富”。最后一点,经过六年的服务,我很高兴将书评部分的职责移交给安妮塔·雷顿(Anita Layton),她长期以来一直是我们编辑委员会的重要成员。我很高兴地宣布,从 2024 年开始,Anita 将掌管 SIAM Review 这一非常成功的部分。我祝愿她在这个角色中获得像我一样的快乐和成就感。