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Sorghum: A Multipurpose Crop
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-07 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.3c04942
Hongxiang Zheng 1 , Yingying Dang 1, 2 , Na Sui 1

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) is one of the top five cereal crops in the world in terms of production and planting area and is widely grown in areas with severe abiotic stresses such as drought and saline-alkali land due to its excellent stress resistance. Moreover, sorghum is a rare multipurpose crop that can be classified into grain sorghum, energy sorghum, and silage sorghum according to its domestication direction and utilization traits, endowing it with broad breeding and economic value. In this review, we mainly discuss the latest research progress and regulatory genes of agronomic traits of sorghum as a grain, energy, and silage crop, as well as the future improvement direction of multipurpose sorghum. We also emphasize the feasibility of cultivating multipurpose sorghum through genetic engineering methods by exploring potential targets using wild sorghum germplasm and genetic resources, as well as genomic resources.



高粱(Sorghum bicolor L.)是世界产量和种植面积排名前五位的禾谷类作物之一,因其优异的抗逆性,在干旱、盐碱地等非生物胁迫严重的地区广泛种植。而且,高粱是一种稀有的多用途作物,根据驯化方向和利用特性可分为粮用高粱、能源高粱和青贮高粱,具有广泛的育种和经济价值。本文主要讨论高粱作为粮食、能源和青贮作物的农艺性状的最新研究进展和调控基因,以及多用途高粱的未来改良方向。我们还强调通过利用野生高粱种质和遗传资源以及基因组资源探索潜在目标,通过基因工程方法培育多用途高粱的可行性。