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Why Jane likes to read and John does not. How parents and schools stimulate girls’ and boys’ intrinsic reading motivation
Poetics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2023.101828
Margriet van Hek , Gerbert Kraaykamp

Student's intrinsic reading motivation is key to their reading proficiency and spills over to other domains of development. Prior studies show that girls are more intrinsically motivated to read than boys but little is known about how reading socialization in families and schools relate to gender inequality in reading motivation. This study investigates a) how reading socialization activities in families and schools relate to girls’ and boys’ intrinsic reading motivation and b) whether schools can compensate for poor family reading socialization especially among boys. Analyses are performed on a sample from PISA 2018 containing 28,747 students in 1,581 schools. Results reveal that girls benefit more from family reading socialization and a good disciplinary climate in classrooms than boys. Boys benefit more than girls from a competitive learning climate in school and teachers’ active stimulation of reading engagement. The latter particularly stimulates the intrinsic reading motivation of boys who received little family reading socialization.



学生内在的阅读动机是他们阅读能力的关键,并且会影响到其他发展领域。先前的研究表明,女孩比男孩更有内在的阅读动机,但人们对家庭和学校的阅读社会化与阅读动机中的性别不平等之间的关系知之甚少。本研究调查了a)家庭和学校的阅读社会化活动如何与女孩和男孩的内在阅读动机相关;b)学校是否可以弥补家庭阅读社会化(尤其是男孩)的不良影响。对 2018 年 PISA 的样本进行了分析,其中包含 1,581 所学校的 28,747 名学生。结果显示,女孩比男孩更能从家庭阅读社会化和良好的课堂纪律氛围中受益。男孩比女孩更能从学校竞争性的学习氛围和教师对阅读参与的积极刺激中受益。后者尤其能激发那些很少接受家庭阅读社交的男孩的内在阅读动机。
