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Ecological Monographs ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-01 , DOI: 10.1002/ecm.1539

COVER PHOTO: Many species of saproxylic beetles have become rare and threatened due to past forest management practices. The cover image features Cerambyx scopolii, a longhorn beetle which suffers as a result of the removal of dead and weakened trees, a common occurrence during sanitation felling. For many data sets on beetles/insects, samplings are nearly always incomplete, and the degree of completeness varies from site to site. To understand, monitor, and quantify beetle/insect species compositional shifts and changes in their abundances over space and time, Chao et al. (Article 1588; doi: 10.1002/ecm.1588) have developed a rigorous sample-completeness-based standardization method to measure and compare beta diversity across data sets. Photo credit: Simon Thorn.



封面照片:由于过去的森林管理实践,许多腐木甲虫物种已经变得稀有并受到威胁。封面图片以Cerambyx scopolii为主题,这是一种长角甲虫,由于清除死亡和衰弱的树木而遭受损失,这在卫生砍伐过程中很常见。对于许多有关甲虫/昆虫的数据集,采样几乎总是不完整的,并且完整程度因地点而异。为了了解、监测和量化甲虫/昆虫物种的组成变化及其丰度随时间和空间的变化,Chao 等人。(Article 1588;doi:10.1002/ecm.1588)开发了一种严格的基于样本完整性的标准化方法来测量和比较数据集的 beta 多样性。照片来源:西蒙·索恩。