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Venetian – Ottoman Wars in the East Adriatic Theatre of Operations (1645–1718): Determining the Ratio of Forces
International Journal of Military History and Historiography ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-04 , DOI: 10.1163/24683302-bja10055
Nikola Markulin 1

During the 17th and 18th centuries, the Republic of Venice and the Ottoman Empire clashed in three wars spanning from 1645 to 1718, with intermittent periods of peace. These military conflicts unfolded in two distinct theatres of operations – the Aegean and the East Adriatic. While the former has received considerable attention in international scholarship, the latter remains largely overlooked. This article seeks to shed light on the East Adriatic theatre and, more specifically, to examine the ratio of forces between the warring armies during this period. This enquiry holds great significance, as local historians have often uncritically relied on Venetian sources, which consistently portrayed the Ottoman armies as substantially larger than they were. By thoroughly examining these Venetian sources, this analysis aims to provide a reevaluated force ratio between the belligerent armies, which can serve as a valid starting point for explaining the consecutive Venetian victories in this theatre.



17期间th和 18th几个世纪以来,从 1645 年到 1718 年,威尼斯共和国和奥斯曼帝国发生了三场战争,期间有间歇性的和平时期。这些军事冲突在两个不同的战区展开——爱琴海和东亚得里亚海。虽然前者在国际学术界受到了相当多的关注,但后者在很大程度上仍然被忽视。本文旨在阐明东亚得里亚海战区,更具体地说,研究这一时期交战军队之间的兵力比例。这项调查具有重要意义,因为当地历史学家经常不加批判地依赖威尼斯的资料,这些资料一直将奥斯曼帝国的军队描绘得比实际规模大得多。通过彻底检查这些威尼斯来源,本分析旨在提供交战双方军队之间重新评估的兵力比例,这可以作为解释威尼斯在该战区连续胜利的有效起点。