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Enrichment of FGF8-expressing cells from neurally induced human pluripotent stem cell cultures
Stem Cell Reports ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2023.10.007
Nils Offen 1 , Alina Filatova 1 , Ulrike A Nuber 1

In early vertebrate development, organizer regions—groups of cells that signal to and thereby influence neighboring cells by secreted morphogens—play pivotal roles in the establishment and maintenance of cell identities within defined tissue territories. The midbrain-hindbrain organizer drives regionalization of neural tissue into midbrain and hindbrain territories with fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) acting as a key morphogen. This organizer has been extensively studied in chicken, mouse, and zebrafish. Here, we demonstrate the enrichment of -expressing cells from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs), cultured as attached embryoid bodies using antibodies that recognize "Similar Expression to " (SEF) and Frizzled proteins. The arrangement of cells in embryoid body subsets of these cultures and the gene expression profile of the -expressing population show certain similarities to the midbrain-hindbrain organizer in animal models. In the embryonic chick brain, the enriched cell population induces formation of midbrain structures, consistent with FGF8-organizing capability.


从神经诱导的人多能干细胞培养物中富集表达 FGF8 的细胞

在脊椎动物的早期发育中,组织者区域(通过分泌的形态发生素向邻近细胞发出信号并从而影响邻近细胞的细胞群)在确定的组织区域内细胞身份的建立和维持中发挥着关键作用。中脑-后脑组织者通过成纤维细胞生长因子 8 (FGF8) 作为关键的形态发生素,驱动神经组织区域化为中脑和后脑区域。该组织器已在鸡、小鼠和斑马鱼中进行了广泛的研究。在这里,我们展示了来自人类多能干细胞(hPSC)的表达细胞的富集,这些细胞使用识别“相似表达”(SEF)和卷曲蛋白的抗体培养为附着的胚状体。这些培养物的胚状体亚群中的细胞排列和表达群体的基因表达谱显示出与动物模型中的中脑-后脑组织者的某些相似性。在胚胎鸡脑中,富集的细胞群诱导中脑结构的形成,这与 FGF8 的组织能力一致。