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A deep dive into addressing obsolescence in product design: A review
Heliyon ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e21856
Lesly Sierra-Fontalvo 1 , Arturo Gonzalez-Quiroga 2 , Jaime A Mesa 1

In today's fast-paced world, products are constantly replaced by newer and more advanced versions. While some products become outdated due to natural causes such as wear and tear or technological advancements, others are strategically designed with a predetermined shelf life to encourage rapid product turnover. Obsolescence is an essential issue in product design because of its impact on product life, efficiency, and sustainability. Although there are approaches to map and measure possible product obsolescence scenarios, it remains a challenge to quantify and diagnose a product's or component's obsolescence potential based on its design attributes. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the existing literature on obsolescence from a product design perspective. It covers its application in methodological design strategies, metrics for measuring obsolescence from early design stages, and identifying understudied research topics, challenges, and trends. On August 15, 2023, a total of 221 articles published between 1983 and 2023 on SCOPUS, Web of Science, and Google Scholar were selected and analyzed using a content-based research approach encompassing three main aspects: objectives and methodologies, strategies and design phases, and metrics for obsolescence analysis. As main findings, this literature review identified several methodological design approaches aimed at resisting and postponing obsolescence, mainly divided into designing long-life products and extending product life. Nevertheless, this study found no formal identification of product design attributes related to the different types of obsolescence, and obsolescence forecasting metrics have focused on defining whether the scenario happens but do not consider what type of obsolescence the product may exhibit. Consequently, it can be challenging to determine the most effective design strategy to reduce obsolescence. This study has limitations, including the potential for researcher bias to affect the systematization of the information.



在当今快节奏的世界中,产品不断被更新、更先进的版本所取代。虽然有些产品由于磨损或技术进步等自然原因而变得过时,但其他产品则经过战略设计,具有预定的保质期,以鼓励产品快速周转。过时是产品设计中的一个重要问题,因为它会影响产品寿命、效率和可持续性。尽管有一些方法可以绘制和测量可能的产品过时情况,但根据产品或组件的设计属性来量化和诊断产品或组件的过时潜力仍然是一个挑战。因此,本文旨在从产品设计的角度分析现有的过时文献。它涵盖了其在方法论设计策略、从早期设计阶段衡量过时的指标以及识别未充分研究的研究主题、挑战和趋势中的应用。 2023年8月15日,使用基于内容的研究方法对1983年至2023年间在SCOPUS、Web of Science和Google Scholar上发表的总共221篇文章进行了选择和分析,涵盖三个主要方面:目标和方法、策略和设计阶段,以及过时分析的指标。作为主要发现,这篇文献综述确定了几种旨在抵制和推迟过时的设计方法,主要分为设计长寿命产品和延长产品寿命。然而,这项研究发现没有正式识别与不同类型的过时相关的产品设计属性,并且过时预测指标侧重于定义场景是否发生,但没有考虑产品可能表现出的过时类型。 因此,确定减少过时的最有效的设计策略可能具有挑战性。这项研究有局限性,包括研究人员的偏见可能会影响信息的系统化。