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A new parameter to describe crippling strength: Experimental and theoretical investigations for post-buckling behaviors of the composite structures
Polymer Composites ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-02 , DOI: 10.1002/pc.27875
Emine Gülşah Yıldırım 1, 2 , Rahmi Ünal 1

The post-buckling strength, which is simply called as crippling, is investigated for laminated composite structures in this study. L profiles that had various stacking sequences of carbon fiber reinforced epoxies were tested. Three different layups configurations were used by changing flange-to-thickness ratios. The main objective of this research was to show that flange-to-thickness ratio was not the only effecting parameter for crippling. Therefore, a new parameter, EGY number, was developed by considering the positions of 0° and 45° plies. Depending on EGY number, a new semi-empirical formulation was presented to calculate crippling strength of the laminated composite structures. One of the test results was employed to verification of EGY number. In addition, the test results were validated with finite element analyses. Static, Riks and Dynamic, Explicit computational results were compared to simulate the experiments.



本研究研究了层合复合材料结构的屈曲后强度(简称为致残强度)。测试了具有不同碳纤维增强环氧树脂堆叠顺序的 L 型材。通过改变凸缘与厚度之比,使用了三种不同的铺层配置。这项研究的主要目的是表明凸缘厚度比并不是造成损坏的唯一影响参数。因此,考虑0°和45°帘布层的位置,开发了一个新参数EGY数。根据 EGY 数,提出了一种新的半经验公式来计算层合复合材料结构的破坏强度。其中一项测试结果用于验证 EGY 编号。此外,测试结果还通过有限元分析进行了验证。比较静态、Riks 和动态、显式计算结果以模拟实验。