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Efficacy and safety in mice of repeated, lifelong administration of an ANGPTL3 vaccine
npj Vaccines ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-01 , DOI: 10.1038/s41541-023-00770-3
Hirotaka Fukami 1, 2, 3 , Jun Morinaga 1, 2, 3 , Hironori Nakagami 4 , Hiroki Hayashi 4 , Yusuke Okadome 1 , Eiji Matsunaga 1, 2, 3 , Tsuyoshi Kadomatsu 1, 3 , Haruki Horiguchi 1, 3, 5 , Michio Sato 1, 3 , Taichi Sugizaki 1, 3 , Keishi Miyata 1, 3 , Daisuke Torigoe 1, 6 , Masashi Mukoyama 2 , Ryuichi Morishita 7 , Yuichi Oike 1, 3, 5, 6

Previously, we reported that an ANGPTL3 vaccine is a hopeful therapeutic option against dyslipidemia. In our current study, we assess durability and booster effects of that vaccine over a period representing a mouse’s lifespan. The vaccine remained effective for over one year, and booster vaccination maintained suppression of circulating triglyceride levels thereafter without major adverse effects on lungs, kidneys, or liver, suggesting vaccine efficacy and safety.


小鼠终生重复注射 ANGPTL3 疫苗的功效和安全性

此前,我们报道过 ANGPTL3 疫苗是治疗血脂异常的一种有希望的治疗选择。在我们目前的研究中,我们评估了该疫苗在代表小鼠寿命的一段时间内的持久性和加强效果。该疫苗在一年多的时间内保持有效,并且加强疫苗接种此后保持了对循环甘油三酯水平的抑制,没有对肺、肾脏或肝脏产生重大不利影响,表明疫苗的有效性和安全性。
