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Intermetallic Nanocrystals for Fuel-Cells-Based Electrocatalysis
Chemical Reviews ( IF 51.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-01 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.3c00382
Fangxu Lin 1, 2 , Menggang Li 1 , Lingyou Zeng 1 , Mingchuan Luo 1 , Shaojun Guo 1, 2

Electrocatalysis underpins the renewable electrochemical conversions for sustainability, which further replies on metallic nanocrystals as vital electrocatalysts. Intermetallic nanocrystals have been known to show distinct properties compared to their disordered counterparts, and been long explored for functional improvements. Tremendous progresses have been made in the past few years, with notable trend of more precise engineering down to an atomic level and the investigation transferring into more practical membrane electrode assembly (MEA), which motivates this timely review. After addressing the basic thermodynamic and kinetic fundamentals, we discuss classic and latest synthetic strategies that enable not only the formation of intermetallic phase but also the rational control of other catalysis-determinant structural parameters, such as size and morphology. We also demonstrate the emerging intermetallic nanomaterials for potentially further advancement in energy electrocatalysis. Then, we discuss the state-of-the-art characterizations and representative intermetallic electrocatalysts with emphasis on oxygen reduction reaction evaluated in a MEA setup. We summarize this review by laying out existing challenges and offering perspective on future research directions toward practicing intermetallic electrocatalysts for energy conversions.



电催化支撑着可再生电化学转化的可持续性,这进一步依赖金属纳米晶体作为重要的电催化剂。众所周知,金属间纳米晶体与其无序对应物相比表现出独特的特性,并且长期以来一直在探索其功能改进。过去几年取得了巨大进展,显着趋势是更精确的工程达到原子水平,并且研究转向更实用的膜电极组件(MEA),这促使了及时的审查。在解决了基本的热力学和动力学基础之后,我们讨论了经典和最新的合成策略,这些策略不仅能够形成金属间相,而且能够合理控制其他催化决定性结构参数,例如尺寸和形态。我们还展示了新兴的金属间纳米材料,有可能进一步推动能源电催化的发展。然后,我们讨论最先进的表征和代表性金属间电催化剂,重点是在 MEA 设置中评估的氧还原反应。我们通过列出现有挑战并提供对用于能量转换的金属间电催化剂的未来研究方向的展望来总结这篇综述。