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Calotropis gigantea fiber confined ZIF-67 derived Co, N in-situ assembled hollow carbon fiber to activate peroxymonosulfate for degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid
Industrial Crops and Products ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2023.117687
Wenli Yao , Fenghui Qin , Ziwei Zhao , Zhijun Ma , Chunyang Hu , Lei Zhou , Yian Zheng

Perfluorinated compounds have serious impacts on ecosystems and threats to human health, and exploring technologies to remove them is urgently needed. Using Calotropis gigantea fiber (CGF) as the biological template, the precursor of ZIF-67 was firstly in-situ anchored in the inner/outer walls of the fiber and then pyrolyzed to yield the composite catalyst labelled as Co/C@C. In combination with peroxymonosulfate (PMS), the advanced oxidation system, i.e. Co/C@C/PMS, was constructed for the catalytic removal of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) from water. The experimental results showed that under the optimized conditions of PMS dosage of 1.0 g/L, catalyst dosage of 0.5 g/L and pH 3.0, PFOA achieved the degradation efficiency of 72.2% within 4 h at ambient temperature. Combined with free radical quenching, electron paramagnetic resonance, electrochemistry and nitroblue tetrazolium dichloride-based UV-Vis analysis, the reactive oxygen species and diverse pathways were identified, including SO4, O2, O21 and electron transfer process in the Co/C@C/PMS system. The coexisting anions (HCO3, Cl, H2PO4 and NO3) and real wastewaters showed no significant effects on PFOA degradation, demonstrating that the Co/C@C/PMS system has good resistance to external ions and different media. After four cycles, the degradation efficiency of PFOA was still 62.8%, indicating that Co/C@C has high stability and good reusability. The degradation products of PFOA were mainly short-chain perfluorinated carboxylic acids (C4-C7) and hydrogen-substituted perfluorinated compounds. Based on quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis, their ecotoxicity was finally evaluated via ECOSAR method. In short, natural CGF derived Co/C@C has great potential for the reduction of emerging PFOA to achieve a sustainable water environment for humans.


牛角瓜纤维约束 ZIF-67 衍生的 Co、N 原位组装中空碳纤维,活化过一硫酸盐以降解全氟辛酸

全氟化合物对生态系统造成严重影响,威胁人类健康,迫切需要探索去除它们的技术。以牛角瓜纤维(CGF)为生物模板,ZIF-67的前驱体首先原位锚定在纤维的内/外壁上,然后热解产生标记为Co/C@C的复合催化剂。与过一硫酸盐(PMS)相结合,构建了高级氧化系统Co/C@C/PMS,用于催化去除水中的全氟辛酸(PFOA)。实验结果表明,在PMS用量1.0 g/L、催化剂用量0.5 g/L、pH 3.0的优化条件下,常温下4 h内PFOA的降解效率达到72.2%。结合自由基猝灭、电子顺磁共振、电化学和基于硝基蓝四唑二氯化物的紫外-可见光分析,确定了活性氧物种和多种途径,包括所以4-,2-,21Co/C@C/PMS系统中的电子转移过程。共存阴离子(碳酸氢根3-,-,H2采购订单4-3-)而实际废水对 PFOA 降解没有显着影响,表明 Co/C@C/PMS 系统对外部离子和不同介质具有良好的抵抗力。经过4次循环后,PFOA的降解效率仍为62.8%,表明Co/C@C具有较高的稳定性和良好的可重复使用性。PFOA的降解产物主要是短链全氟羧酸(C4-C7)和氢取代的全氟化合物。基于定量构效关系分析,最终通过ECOSAR方法对其生态毒性进行评价。简而言之,天然 CGF 衍生的 Co/C@C 在减少新兴 PFOA 从而为人类实现可持续水环境方面具有巨大潜力。
