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Nonempirical Modeling of Interactions of Fe2O2 and Fe2O4 Clusters with H2 and O2 Molecules
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-30 , DOI: 10.1134/s0036023623601757
K. V. Bozhenko , A. N. Utenyshev , L. G. Gutsev , G. L. Gutsev , S. M. Aldoshin


Quantum-chemical calculations of the geometric and electronic structures of compounds formed by the interaction of Fe2O2 and Fe2O4 clusters with diatomic H2 and O2 molecules in the gas phase have been performed by the density functional theory method in the generalized gradient approximation using the triple-zeta basis set. The trends in changes in the binding energy of H2 and O2 molecules with Fe2O2 and Fe2O4 clusters depending on the number of oxygen atoms have been found. It has been demonstrated that in two of the four reactions considered, the total spins of the initial reagents and final products do not coincide, that is, spin relaxation occurs. It has been concluded that nanoparticles based on Fe2O4 clusters can be used as sensors for detecting H2 and O2 molecules.


Fe2O2 和 Fe2O4 团簇与 H2 和 O2 分子相互作用的非经验模型


采用密度泛函理论方法对气相中Fe 2 O 2和 Fe 2 O 4团簇与双原子 H 2和 O 2分子相互作用形成的化合物的几何结构和电子结构进行了量子化学计算。使用三重 zeta 基组的广义梯度近似。已经发现H 2和O 2分子与Fe 2 O 2和Fe 2 O 4簇的结合能根据氧原子的数量而变化的趋势。已经证明,在所考虑的四个反应中的两个中,初始试剂和最终产物的总自旋不重合,即发生自旋弛豫。已经得出结论,基于Fe 2 O 4簇的纳米颗粒可以用作检测H 2和O 2分子的传感器。
