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Assesment of Hypoderma infestation in a wild population of Cervus elaphus from mountains Atlantic ecosystems in southwestern Europe (Spain)
Veterinary Research Communications ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s11259-023-10240-9
Sara González 1 , Rosario Panadero 2 , María Luisa Del Rio 3 , María Natividad Díez 1 , María Del Rosario Hidalgo 1 , Angélica Martínez 4

Hypodermosis in Cervus elaphus was studied in the Riaño Regional Hunting Reserve, Province of León, north-western Spain. One hundred and ten red deer were examined for the presence of warble fly larvae. They were analyzed by PCR analysis of the COI region of mt-DNA and identified as Hypoderma actaeon. The prevalence of larvae was 42.7% with a mean intensity of 12.5 ± 18 (range 1–80) warbles/deer infested. The distribution of larvae in the infested animals showed an aggregated/overdispersed pattern (aggregation index = 25.84), where the larvae are not randomly or uniformly distributed, but strongly aggregated among their hosts. Larvae were found in all three states. First and second-instars were observed mainly in the autumn until the end of winter (November-March) and third-instars in late winter until mid-spring (March–May). The adult animals and the males had a higher prevalence than the young and the females, finding statistically significant differences only according to the sex of the animals. Seasonal variations were observed in the prevalence with the highest number of infested animals in winter and autumn, but not in terms of the mean intensity of parasites. Additionally, we assessed the presence of anti-Hypoderma antibodies in serum by means of indirect ELISA tests, using a crude larval extract (CLE) and a purified fraction the hypodermin C (HyC) obtained from first instars of Spanish isolates of Hypoderma lineatum (cattle). These findings confirm that H. actaeon is widely distributed in northern Spain, and provide new information about its chronobiology in mountainous Atlantic ecosystems from southwestern Europe.



在西班牙西北部莱昂省里亚尼奥地区狩猎保护区对马鹿的皮下病进行了研究。检查了一百一十头马鹿是否存在莺蝇幼虫。通过对 mt-DNA 的 COI 区域进行 PCR 分析,将其鉴定为Hypoderma actaeon 。幼虫的流行率为 42.7%,平均强度为 12.5 ± 18(范围 1-80)莺/鹿出没。受感染动物中幼虫的分布呈现聚集/过度分散的模式(聚集指数= 25.84),其中幼虫不是随机或均匀分布的,而是在宿主之间强烈聚集。在这三个州都发现了幼虫。一龄和二龄主要在秋季至冬末(11 月至 3 月)观察,三龄在冬末至仲春(3 月至 5 月)。成年动物和雄性的患病率高于幼年动物和雌性,仅根据动物的性别发现统计上显着的差异。观察到冬季和秋季受感染动物数量最多的患病率存在​​季节性变化,但寄生虫的平均强度却没有变化。此外,我们通过间接 ELISA 测试评估了血清中抗皮下皮毛虫抗体的存在,使用粗幼虫提取物 (CLE) 和从西班牙线纹皮皮毛虫分离株(牛)第一龄幼虫中获得的皮下皮毛虫 C (HyC) 纯化部分)。这些发现证实H. actaeon广泛分布于西班牙北部,并提供了有关其在欧洲西南部大西洋山区生态系统中的时间生物学的新信息。
