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A Glutathione Peroxidase-Mimicking Nanozyme Precisely Alleviates Reactive Oxygen Species and Promotes Periodontal Bone Regeneration
Advanced Healthcare Materials ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-30 , DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202302485
Bijun Zhu 1 , Jiangjiexing Wu 2 , Tong Li 3 , Songtao Liu 4 , Junheng Guo 4 , Yijun Yu 1 , Xinyi Qiu 1 , Yue Zhao 1 , Haoran Peng 1 , Jinli Zhang 4 , Leiying Miao 1 , Hui Wei 3, 5

The use of oxidoreductase nanozymes to regulate reactive oxygen species (ROS) has gradually emerged in periodontology treatments. However, current nanozymes for treating periodontitis eliminate ROS extensively and non-specifically, ignoring the physiological functions of ROS under normal conditions, which may result in uncontrolled side effects. Herein, using the MIL-47(V)-F (MVF) nanozyme, which mimics the function of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), it is proposed that ROS can be properly regulated by specifically eliminating H2O2, the most prominent ROS. Through H2O2 elimination, MVF contributes to limiting inflammation, regulating immune microenvironment, and promoting periodontal regeneration. Moreover, MVF stimulates osteogenic differentiation of periodontal stem cells directly, further promoting regeneration due to the vanadium in MVF. Mechanistically, MVF regulates ROS by activating the nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2/heme oxygenase 1 (Nrf2/HO-1) pathway and promotes osteogenic differentiation directly through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B (PI3K/Akt) pathway. A promising periodontitis therapy strategy is presented using GPx-mimicking nanozymes through their triple effects of antioxidation, immunomodulation, and bone remodeling regulation, making nanozymes an excellent tool for developing precision medicine.



使用氧化还原酶纳米酶调节活性氧(ROS)已逐渐出现在牙周治疗中。然而,目前用于治疗牙周炎的纳米酶广泛且非特异性地消除ROS,忽略了ROS在正常条件下的生理功能,这可能导致无法控制的副作用。在此,使用模拟谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx)功能的MIL-47(V)-F(MVF)纳米酶,提出可以通过特异性消除最重要的ROS——H 2 O 2来适当调节ROS。通过消除H 2 O 2 ,MVF有助于限制炎症、调节免疫微环境和促进牙周再生。此外,MVF直接刺激牙周干细胞的成骨分化,进一步促进由于MVF中的钒而再生。从机制上讲,MVF通过激活核因子红细胞2相关因子2/血红素加氧酶1(Nrf2/HO-1)途径调节ROS,并通过磷脂酰肌醇3激酶/蛋白激酶B(PI3K/Akt)途径直接促进成骨分化。利用模拟 GPx 的纳米酶,通过其抗氧化、免疫调节和骨重塑调节的三重作用,提出了一种有前景的牙周炎治疗策略,使纳米酶成为开发精准医学的绝佳工具。