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On the importance of studying asteroids: A comprehensive review
Progress in Aerospace Sciences ( IF 11.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2023.100957
M. Azadmanesh , J. Roshanian , M. Hassanalian

This comprehensive study delves into the significance of asteroid research and proposes a systematic classification consisting of seven distinct categories. Initially, a concise definition is presented to differentiate between asteroids, meteorites, and comets, accompanied by a brief exploration of their unique characteristics. Recognizing the valuable scientific insights that these celestial bodies hold, the reasons for studying asteroids are categorized as follows: 1) Life's origin, 2) The Moon's origin, 3) The origin of water on Earth, 4) Vast reservoirs of valuable resources, 5) Colonization, 6) Threats, and 7) Advancing our understanding of physics. This paper meticulously reviews these seven reasons and subsequently delves into the achievements of past missions to low-gravity bodies, including Pioneer 10, Galileo, Clementine, NEAR Shoemaker, Deep Space 1, Cassini–Huygens, Stardust, Hayabusa, New Horizons, Rosetta, Dawn, Change 2, Hayabusa2, Lucy, Dart, and OSIRIS-REx. Additionally, future missions are introduced, while the challenges associated with flybys, mining operations, and asteroid landings are thoroughly examined.



这项综合研究深入探讨了小行星研究的重要性,并提出了由七个不同类别组成的系统分类。首先,提出了一个简洁的定义来区分小行星、陨石和彗星,并简要探讨了它们的独特特征。认识到这些天体所蕴含的宝贵科学见解,研究小行星的原因分为以下几类:1) 生命的起源,2) 月球的起源,3) 地球上水的起源,4) 蕴藏着巨大的宝贵资源,5 ) 殖民,6) 威胁,以及 ​​7) 增进我们对物理学的理解。本文仔细回顾了这七个原因,随后深入探讨了过去低重力天体任务的成就,包括先锋十号、伽利略号、克莱门汀号、近舒梅克号、深空一号、卡西尼-惠更斯号、星尘号、隼鸟号、新视野号、罗塞塔号、 《黎明》、《变革 2》、《隼鸟 2》、《露西》、《达特》和《奥西里斯-雷克斯》。此外,还介绍了未来的任务,同时彻底研究了与飞越、采矿作业和小行星着陆相关的挑战。
